Assistance Fund, The


8427 Southpark Circle
Orlando, FL 32819

(855) 845-3663


*Three financial aid programs: Copay Assistance, Health Care Expenses, and Insurance Premium and Incidentals
*Health Insurance Premium Assistance program offers financial assistance to help pay for out-of-pocket premiums for eligible health insurance plans, and incidental healthcare expenses
*Critically and chronically ill individuals offered access to advanced therapies through a variety of services and programs, including education and financial aid
*Covers many different diseases, go to to find out if a program is accepting applications and follow the link to apply
*To receive services, the person must be a US citizen, already have health insurance or be in the process of getting it, and meet income guidelines

Intake Process:

Call or visit website; complete application over the phone or online

Program Fees:

Sliding scale for prescription assistance if approved


English, Spanish


US Citizen or permanent resident, meet financial criteria based on household size and household income, diagnosed with a program related illness, prescribed one of the supported medications, insurance coverage for the prescribed medication, has, or is in the process of getting health insurance

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Date of Official Change:

February 8, 2024

Employer ID:


Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

8427 Southpark Circle
Orlando, FL 32819


8427 Southpark Circle
Orlando, FL 32819

Phone Numbers

1. Main Number, Toll-Free

(855) 845-3663

Legal Status:

Private, Non-Profit

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