Florida Dept of Health, Office of Medical Marijuana Use


PO Box 31313
Patient and Caregiver ID Card Applications
Tampa, FL 33613-3313

(800) 808-9580



*Note: Medical marijuana is available in Florida, however, remains illegal under federal law
*Office writes and implements rules for medical marijuana and oversees Use Registry and licensing of businesses cultivating, processing and distributing to qualified patients or caregivers; lists qualified ordering physicians
*Patient must first seek treatment from a qualified registered physician who can diagnose patients and determine if medical marijuana is an appropriate treatment; physician then inputs the patient!€™s information and the order information into the Medical Marijuana Use Registry
*Patient or the patient!€™s legal representative needs to apply for a Compassionate Use Registry Identification Card; once approved, a patient or legal representative will then be able to contact one of the licensed medical marijuana treatment centers and fill the order
*As of June 12, 2023, all NON-CLOSE RELATIVES applying for a caregiver Medical Marijuana Use Registry (MMUR) identification card must complete a level 2 background screening
*Interested persons may call the toll-free number, additionally there is detailed information on their website

Intake Process:

Contact diagnosing and prescribing physician, who would determine if appropriate and then enter patient and/or caregiver into registry

Program Fees:

$75 must accompany application




Persons who have been diagnosed to receive marijuana under the legal statutes of Florida

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Date of Official Change:

February 12, 2024

Address Listings

Mailing (Primary)

PO Box 31313
Patient and Caregiver ID Card Applications
Tampa, FL 33613-3313


4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin M-01
Non-ID Card Applications
Tallahassee, FL 32399


General Email

Phone Numbers

1. Main Number

(800) 808-9580

Legal Status:

Government, Other


*Note: Medical marijuana is available in Florida, however, remains illegal under federal law *Office writes and implements rules for medical marijuana and oversees Use Registry and licensing of businesses cultivating, processing and distributing to qualified patients or caregivers; lists qualified ordering physicians *Patient must first seek treatment from a qualified registered physician who can diagnose patients and determine if medical marijuana is an appropriate treatment; physician then inputs the patient’s information and the order information into the Medical Marijuana Use Registry *Patient or the patient’s legal representative needs to apply for a Compassionate Use Registry Identification Card; once approved, a patient or legal representative will then be able to contact one of the licensed medical marijuana treatment centers and fill the order *As of June 12, 2023, all NON-CLOSE RELATIVES applying for a caregiver Medical Marijuana Use Registry (MMUR) identification card must complete a level 2 background screening *Interested persons may call the toll-free number, additionally there is detailed information on their website


8AM-6PM, Office

Required Documents

Physicians prescription and either temporary or permanent use registry card


Persons who have been diagnosed to receive marijuana under the legal statutes of Florida


$75 must accompany application

Intake Procedure

Contact diagnosing and prescribing physician, who would determine if appropriate and then enter patient and/or caregiver into registry



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