National Runaway Safeline/CINS/FINS


3141 B N Lincoln Ave
Chicago, IL 60657

(800) 786-2929


NRS; Children in Need of Services/Families in Need of Services


*24-hour hotline counseling for runaway youth or those considering running away, their families and friends; crisis intervention; information and referral; message delivery; conference calls
*Safe Place locations of local youth service agency or shelter
*Free bus rides home to qualified youth (12-21 who call the hotline) via Greyhound's Home Free program; conference call and follow-up services to help facilitate the transition
*Shelters, law enforcement or social service agencies can contact the National Runaway Safe Line to secure services for a child
*Bullying information and response
*Information and referral resource for the CINS/FINS (Children in Need of Services/Families in Need of Services) for families with a child habitually truant from school, runs away, or persistently beyond the reasonable and lawful control of parents or guardians
*Qualified children and families provided: intake and assessment, crisis and general counseling targeted toward family stabilization, networking with other agencies to provide needed services, case management, and temporary shelter when needed; interested callers should ask specifically for the CINS/FINS program
*Text, 66008

Intake Process:


Program Fees:





Youth 12-21, their families and service providers

Is Shelter?


Related Resources

Date of Official Change:

May 29, 2024

Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

3141 B N Lincoln Ave
Chicago, IL 60657


3141 B N Lincoln Ave
Chicago, IL 60657


Phone Numbers

1. Main Number, (800)-RUNAWAY

(800) 786-2929

2. Administrative

(773) 880-9860


(800) 621-0394

Legal Status:

Private, Non-Profit

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