VFW National Home for Children
3573 South Waverly Rd
Eaton Rapids, MI 48827
(800) 313-4200
*National Home is located in Eaton Rapids, MI; families may live up to four years in the community with free housing and daycare
*Community is open to the families of active-duty military personnel, veterans and relatives of VFW and VFW Auxiliary members. The family can be one or both parents with one or more children
*The VFW National Home stands as a place of healing, support, and refuge, ensuring that families can stay together, maintaining the family circle even when their servicemember doesn't return home
*Services for resident families include: housing, case management, daycare, tutoring, mentoring, life skills training, recreation and community service opportunities
Intake Process:
Program Fees:
Families of active-duty military personnel, veterans and relatives of VFW and VFW Auxiliary members
Is Shelter?
Related Resources
Date of Official Change:
April 11, 2024
Address Listings
3573 South Waverly Rd
Eaton Rapids, MI 48827
Physical (Primary)
3573 South Waverly Rd
Eaton Rapids, MI 48827
Michael Wilson
Phone Numbers
1. Main Number, Helpline
(800) 313-4200
2. Administrative
(517) 663-1521
Legal Status:
Private, Non-Profit
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