Engage Behavioral Health (Invo Center)


3010 Highland Oaks Terrace
Tallahassee, FL 32301

(850) 298-8862



Formerly Invo Behavior and Therapy!€‹!€‹


*Therapists and Paraprofessionals providing services for children with Autism, ages 14 and under (in some cases will see older teens)
*Uses Functional Analysis assessment, ABA Therapy, Verbal Behavioral Therapy, and Workshops, to provide ADL training, Toilet Training, Feeding Therapy and to create behavioral plans to address physical aggression, self-injury, Non-compliance, self-stimulation behaviors, and tantrums
*For families: parent training, behavioral babysitting, a monthly Parent's Night Out, Caregivers Lunch & Learn, Caregiver Support Groups, and Virtual Family Support
* For Uninsured Patients Behavioral Therapy starts at $45/hr, Medicaid and most insurance accepted

Intake Process:

Call intake team or use the "Enroll for Services" link on the website

Program Fees:

For Uninsured Patients Behavioral Therapy starts at $45/hr, Medicaid and most insurance accepted




Persons 14 years of age or under with an autism diagnosis

Handicap Accessible?


Is Shelter?


Related Resources

Date of Official Change:

May 1, 2024

Address Listings


9051 Florida Mining Blvd, Ste 102
Tampa, FL 33634

Physical (Primary)

3010 Highland Oaks Terrace
Tallahassee, FL 32301


Phone Numbers

1. Tallahassee

(850) 298-8862

3. New Intake Team

(874) 521-4955

4. Client Care Team

(877) 350-5005

Legal Status:


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