Redeemed, Inc


2127 Pat Thomas Pkwy
Quincy, FL 32351

(850) 627-0251


*Reentry services for inmates and ex-offenders returning to their communities
*Pre-trial services: Senior Pre-trial Release Specialist attends all First Appearances, cooperates with Judge in release decision, and assists when requested in specific conditions of release; responsible for administering court-ordered alcohol, drug testing and monitoring other imposed conditions: anger management, counseling, employment
*Oversees electronic monitoring for parolees and probationers and day reporting
*Outpatient substance abuse groups

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Date of Official Change:

April 3, 2019

Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

2127 Pat Thomas Pkwy
Quincy, FL 32351


PO Box 248
Quincy, FL 32351


Phone Numbers

1. Main Number

(850) 627-0251

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