Southeastern Behavioral Health


3303 Thomasville Road, Suite 102
Tallahassee, FL 32308

(850) 296-3665


*Private practice dedicated to counseling, evaluations, mental health and well-being, and tutoring in a location which accessible and can be reached by public transportation
*Evaluations for giftedness, learning disabilities, ADHD, behavioral problems, social-emotional well-being, and adoption/parenting
*Works with children and adults in individual and group settings through face to face and telehealth counseling
*Fees range from $60 hourly for tutoring, $175-$200/session for licensed psych; $140/session for LCSW, LSP for counseling; call for cost of evaluations depending on referral reason; insurance not accepted

Intake Process:

Call for a free 20 minute intake evaluation

Program Fees:

Fees range from $60 hourly for tutoring, $175-$200/session for licensed psych; $140/session for LCSW, LSP for counseling; call for cost of evaluations depending on referral reason; insurance not accepted



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Date of Official Change:

December 31, 2023

Employer ID:


Address Listings


3303 Thomasville Road, Suite 102
Tallahassee, FL 32308

Physical (Primary)

3303 Thomasville Road, Suite 102
Tallahassee, FL 32308


General Office Contact

Primary Contact

Phone Numbers

1. Main Office Line

(850) 296-3665

Legal Status:

Private, Nonprofit

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