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Autism Research Institute

*Conducts research and disseminates the results on the causes of autism and on methods of preventing, diagnosing and treating autism and other severe behavioral disorders of childhood *Provides research based information to parents, caretakers and professionals through the agency's web site which also offers screening tools such as a diagnostic check-list and an Autism Treatment Evaluation checklist (ATEC) *Awards grants and funds research studies, interested parties can learn more about taking part in the studies on the website

Services: Autism Therapy, Clinical Trials, Pediatric Developmental Assessment

4182 Adams Ave

San Diego, CA 92116

(833) 281-7165

Autism Society

*Information and referral for anyone looking for help with autism *Trained staff helps identify local and alternative resources *Website resources: federal, state and local agencies; professionals, education, medical service providers; support systems, and research facilities

Services: Autism Therapy, Health/Disability Related Support Groups, Medical Information Services

6110 Executive Blvd, Ste 305

Rockville, MD 20852

(800) 328-8476

Autism Speaks

*Website offers varied information about autism and where to start seeking help *Autism Response Team helps families by phone with an autistic child or person with advice on where to start looking for trained assistance, learning the signs, knowing your child's rights, local assistance *Parent support, staying informed, transition to adulthood, adult services

Services: Autism Therapy, Health/Disability Related Support Groups

PO Box 37148

Boone, IA 50037

(888) 288-4762

Aveanna Healthcare

*Provides day care with skilled nursing for children who are dealing with multiple health conditions including speech, occupational, physical and respiratory therapy services *Some case management for families with children in care; coordination of information between family and physician *Caters to specific nutrition, socialization, specialized transportation services

Services: Attendant Services for People With Disabilities, Case/Care Management, Child Care Centers

3492 Martin Hurst Rd

Tallahassee, FL 32312

(850) 701-3920

Bailey, John, DO (OS5349)

*Osteopathic Physician (OS5349) and psychiatrist in private practice that is not accessible and cannot be reached by public transportation who is currently accepting new patients *Treats adults, young adults, and geriatrics as individuals and families in person; specialty treatment areas include general anxiety and depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, autistic disorder *Therapist is male, English speaking, Caucasian & can prescribe or manage patient's medications

Services: Adult Psychiatry, Autism Therapy, General Counseling Services, Medication Information/Management, Psychiatric Medication Services

1804 Miccosukee Commons

Suite 204

Tallahassee, FL 32308

(850) 383-9991

Baptiste, Kalisha, LMHC (MH10163)

*Licensed Mental Health Counselor (MH10163) in group practice who is currently accepting new patients in a practice that is accessible and can be reached by public transportation *Fees are $100 for a one-hour session; State of Florida Employees qualify for 6 free EAP sessions; Autism Diagnosis, Screening Tool for Autism in Toddlers & Young Children (STAT™): $425.

Services: Adolescent/Youth Counseling, Anger Management, Autism Therapy, Conjoint Counseling, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Family Counseling, General Counseling Services, Group Counseling, Marriage and Relationships Counseling, Pediatric Developmental Assessment, Telemedicine

2014 Delta Blvd

Tallahassee, FL 32303

(850) 329-0102

Basso, Emma M, LCSW (SW3662)

*Licensed Clinical Social Worker (SW3662) and registered nurse in a group practice who is currently accepting new patients; Multiple Licensee, Qualified Supervisor MHC, Qualified Supervisor CSW *Practice is accessible and can be reached by public transportation *Treats children aged 3 and up, adults, geriatrics; specialties include faith based counseling for emotional, relational, and spiritual needs *Fees are $100 per hour; income-based sliding scale may go as low as $55; Medicare; private insurance accepted types unknown *Therapist is female, English speaking, Caucasian & cannot prescribe or manage patient's medications

Services: Adolescent/Youth Counseling, Faith Based Counseling, General Counseling Services, Geriatric Counseling, Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health

1030 E. Lafayette St. Suite 2

Tallahassee, FL 32301

(850) 386-1560 x103

Big Bend AHEC (Area Health Education Center)

*Tobacco Free Florida AHEC Program: Includes free groups in the community to help with tobacco cessation, including vaping and chewing; classes available in-person and virtual (Zoom), private group sessions available for worksites, call for more information; program serves all 14 counties *Nicotine replacement therapy with patches, gum and lozenges available for free after attending a class, restrictions may apply *Health Insurance Navigator Program: Certified, Community Navigators assist with the application process and enrollment through the Federal Marketplace (HealthCare.

Services: Affordable Care Act Insurance Information/Counseling, Chronic Disease Self Management Programs, Financial Literacy Training, General Health Education Programs, Nutrition Education, Smoking/Vaping Cessation, Wellness Programs

2815 Remington Green Circle, Suite 100

Tallahassee, FL 32308

(850) 224-1177

Big Bend Transition Council

*Group of school district personnel, local agencies, service providers, parents and students who come together to coordinate transition services in the Big Bend area for youth with disabilities, ages 11-22 in grades K-12 *Transition for students with disabilities getting ready to move from school to adult life, which takes place over a period of several years *Parents and other interested persons may contact the council with questions and may request a 37 page Transition Resource Guide for Students With Disabilities

Services: Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups, Special Education

2757 W Pensacola St

Tallahassee, FL 32304

(850) 487-7160

Birth Cottage, Inc

*Midwifery clinic offering pre-pregnancy counseling for women considering pregnancy, prenatal care, delivery at the birth center or home, underwater birth, postpartum care, and doula services with a personalized plan of care based on clients needs and wishes *Fees vary for services; $5,000 for prenatal care with flexible pay plan for the uninsured, includes delivery and postpartum care; Clinic accepts Medicaid, HMOs, insurance, and payment plans

Services: Delivery/Childbirth, Doula Services, Medicaid, Midwifery, Prenatal Care

260 E 6th Ave

Tallahassee, FL 32303

(850) 224-2229

Viewing 11-20 of 206 results (listed by best match)
