Grief and Loss

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Big Bend Hospice, Grief and Loss Program

*Services for families and individuals who have experienced death of loved one: individual counseling and group grief support, whether the death was natural, accidental, suicide, or homicide *Remembrance and Memorial events hosted: "Hope for the Holidays" sessions; "Family Feast of Remembrance" in November and Family Holiday session in December.

Services: Bereavement and Grief Counseling, General Bereavement and Grief Support Groups, Holiday Programs, Terminal Illness Counseling, Volunteer Opportunities

1723 Mahan Center Blvd

Tallahassee, FL 32308

(850) 878-5310

Big Bend Hospice, Hospice Community and Inpatient Care

*Care for individuals with life limiting illness; comfort to families and emotional support to anyone experiencing or who has experienced death of a loved one *Care for patient and family as a unit; psychological, spiritual, and practical support to family and patient *Medical care to keep patient at home and help to live fully and comfortably; instruction to family on care of patient *Pain and symptom management *Grief support program open to community; support program for children and teens *Music therapy *Inpatient medical care provided in Hospice House *Trained volunteers provide respite care, companionship, transportation to medical appointments, errands, household chores or reading to client *Early planning for end of life care with certified health care facilitators that allows a person to make decisions before needed *Volunteer support

Services: Advance Medical Directives, Bereavement and Grief Counseling, General Bereavement and Grief Support Groups, Hospice Care, Terminal Illness Counseling, Volunteer Opportunities

1723 Mahan Center Blvd

Tallahassee, FL 32308

(850) 878-5310

Big Bend Hospice, The Caring Tree Program

*Helps young people grieving the death of a loved one; loss does not have to be recent for youth to benefit *Outreach providing limited number of school-based grief support groups, monthly Children and Teen Nights at Big Bend Hospice, and two annual youth bereavement camps: Camp Woe-Be-Gone, one day camp for youth ages 6-12 held each spring; Teen Woe-Be-Gone, held each fall, one day retreat to meet the special needs of grieving teens ages 13-18; grief education and training *All services available for Leon County; limited services available for Gadsden, Franklin, Jefferson, Liberty, Madison, Taylor, and Wakulla Counties youth

Services: Bereavement and Grief Counseling, Camps, General Bereavement and Grief Support Groups, Terminal Illness Counseling, Volunteer Opportunities

1723 Mahan Center Blvd

Tallahassee, FL 32308

(850) 878-5310

Big Bend Hospice, Transitions

*Serves clients who are not eligible for hospice care or who choose not to use hospice services but have needs which can be met by volunteers *Professionally managed, volunteer-based support system offering non-medical assistance to persons with a prognosis of death within one year or less *Social worker makes an initial visit to wherever client lives to assess requirements *Volunteers and social workers provide friendship and companionship 2-3 hours every 2 weeks, relief for caregivers, resource referrals, and transportation within guidelines *Nurse volunteers offer guidance in understanding complex medical decisions such as pursuing aggressive treatment

Services: Death and Dying Education/Information, Friendly Outreach Programs, General Bereavement and Grief Support Groups, Health/Disability Related Support Groups, Hospice Care, Terminal Illness Counseling, Volunteer Opportunities

1669 Mahan Center Blvd

Tallahassee, FL 32308

(850) 446-1077

Brognano, Lola, LCSW (SW15182)

*Licensed Clinical Social Worker & FL Certified Social Work Supervisor (SW15182) in private practice at Lola Brognano, LCSW, LLC; currently accepting new patients in a location which is is accessible and can be reached by public transportation; supervises interns *Treats adults, young adults, adolescents as individuals in person and by video (Telemental health); treats general anxiety, depression, grief & bereavement and life changes; is EMDR trained.

Services: Bereaved Parent Support Groups, Bereavement and Grief Counseling, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Family Counseling, General Counseling Services, Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders Treatment, Telemental Health

1882 Capital Circle NE, Suite 201

Tallahassee, FL 32308

(850) 888-0136

Byno, Lucille, PhD, LMFT (MFT2153)

*Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT2153) in private practice who is currently accepting new patients in a location which is accessible and can be reached by public transportation *Fees $150 hourly; does not accept insurance *Treats adolescents, young adults and adults as individuals, couples, families, and groups in person and by video (telemental health); specialty treatment areas include general anxiety and depression, family issues, grief/bereavement, LGBTQ+, marriage/relationships, and parenting *Therapist is female, English speaking, Caucasian & cannot prescribe or manage patient's medications

Services: Bereavement and Grief Counseling, Family Counseling, Marriage and Relationships Counseling, Mental Health Assessment and Treatment, Mental Health Evaluation, Parent Counseling, Sexual Orientation Counseling, Telemental Health

1621 Metropolitan Blvd, Ste 101

Tallahassee, FL 32308

(850) 544-5886

Church Initiative

*Nondenominational, nonprofit ministry serving churches worldwide who offer help to people experiencing life crises *GriefShare, DivorceCare, Single & Parenting, DC4K (DivorceCare for Kids) *Check online or call for local programs in area

Services: Bereavement and Grief Counseling, Divorce Counseling, General Bereavement and Grief Support Groups, Parent Support Groups

250 S Allen Rd

Wake Forest, NC 27588

(800) 395-5755

Community Wellness Counseling and Support Services, Tallahassee

*CARF accredited group outpatient practice currently accepting new patients, and able to offer supervised medication prescription and managment; treats children through adults in person and by video (telemental health); specialties include pre-surgical bariatric psychological evaluations, depression, anxiety, grief, eating disorders, and trauma in individual, family, couples and group settings *Fees $125 an hour, does not offer a sliding scale for self-pay; accepts Access Behavioral Health, Aetna and Simply Florida Healthy Kids Plans, AETNA, AMBETTER, BCBS, BEACON, Children's Medical Services (CMS) Title 19, Children's Medical Services (CMS) Title 21, Cigna, Humana Medicaid, Medicaid Florida, Medicare, Molina Healthcare, OPTUM, Private Pay, SIMPLY, Sunshine Medicaid, Tricare East Region, United Health Care, UMR, and Wellcare *All programs, services, and administration are located in the Bristol office; Tallahassee office (2940 E Park Ave Tallahassee, FL 32301) is for therapy sessions only

Services: Adolescent/Youth Counseling, Bereavement and Grief Counseling, Conjoint Counseling, Eating Disorders Treatment, Family Counseling, General Counseling Services, Medicaid, Medication Information/Management, Mental Health Evaluation, Psychiatric Medication Services, Telemental Health

2940 E Park Ave Tallahassee

Tallahassee, FL 32301

(850) 643-1033

Copline, An Officer's Lifeline

*24/7 national crisis, suicide and general counseling hotline for any type of law enforcement officer, active or retired, and their families *Answered by retired officers who are vetted and trained in active listening and provide assistance with successful management of various stressors that impact law enforcement officers and their families *All calls are confidential and the caller can trust that their agency will not be informed *Should the caller need further assistance, the peer listener has access to clinical referrals to therapists and programs in the caller's area to further assist with ongoing stressors

Services: General Crisis Intervention Hotlines, Specialized Information and Referral, Suicide Prevention Hotlines

501 Iron Bridge Rd #6

Freehold, NJ 07728

Covenant Hospice

*Comprehensive and compassionate palliative medical care and social services to patients and loved ones during times of life-limiting illnesses *Home health and memory care programs are available *Palliative care offered at local hospital

Services: Hospice Care

2852 Remington Green Cir, Ste 101-102

Tallahassee, FL 32308

(850) 575-4998

Viewing 11-20 of 54 results (listed by best match)
