FDVA, Union County Veterans Service Office
*Florida Department of Veterans Union county office
*Assists Florida's veterans, their families and survivors to improve their health and economic well-being through advocacy regarding benefit information, long term care service, homestead and other tax exemptions, disability benefits, education and tuition breaks, lower license fees and ad valorem taxes during active duty, transportation to medical facilities when necessary
*Assists veterans and dependents in applying for benefits provided by USVA and other federal agencies: pensions, survivor benefits, service-related medical problems; home loans and specially adapted housing; women veterans outreach
*Assists surviving spouse of military retirees with burial, Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP), and insurance
*Coordinates programs with Governor's Office, Florida Legislature, and Florida Congressional Delegation
Services: Student Financial Aid, Veteran Benefits Assistance, Veteran Burial Benefits, Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits, Veteran/Military Health Insurance, Veteran Reintegration Counseling, Vocational Rehabilitation