Information Services

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Alzheimer's Association Nationwide Contact Center

*Information about Alzheimer's disease and dementia for persons with the disease, families, caregivers, health care professionals and the public including understanding the diseases, medications and other treatment options, general information about aging and brain health, skills to provide quality care and find the best care from professionals, legal, financial and living-arrangement decisions, clinical trials *For local information about offices in Tallahassee, call the 800.

Services: Clinical Trials, Medical Information Services

225 N Michigan Ave, Fl 17

Chicago, IL 60601

(800) 272-3900

American Breast Cancer Foundation

*Financial assistance on limited basis for both men and women who have a doctor's referral, are uninsured and whose income falls 300% below the federal poverty level for screening and diagnostic procedures such as mammogram, ultrasound, biopsy, and surgical consults *Education and Community Advocacy Program - connects diagnosed breast cancer patients with resources including living expenses, medical expenses, transportation, and legal services *Website offers the "Animated Patient Series" and a library that includes educational information on exams, mammography, risks, breast cancer stages, and treatments

Services: Cancer Detection, Medical Care Expense Assistance, Medical Information Services

10440 Little Patuxent Pkwy, Ste 300

Columbia, MD 21044

(844) 219-2223

American Cancer Society

*Information on research, education, advocacy, and services available for cancer patients, survivors, family and friends, and health care professionals *Topics: include local low-cost medical referrals where available, prevention, early detection, treatment, clinical trials, coping, support group referrals, the Cancer Survivors Network, statistics, research programs, and how to donate or volunteer with ACS *National hotline also offers information and referral for the Breast and Cervical Cancer screening sites in Florida

Services: Cancer Detection, Clinical Trials, Health/Disability Related Support Groups, Medical Information Services

3380 Chastain Meadows Pkwy NW, Ste 200

Kennesaw, GA 30144

(800) 227-2345

American Diabetes Association

*Diabetes information representatives provide information about nutrition, pre-diabetes and diabetes care and management *Can give referrals for testing, patient education programs, support groups and local chapters in many cities *Camp scholarships for children/youth are sometimes available *Information can be mailed upon request and members can receive a bi-monthly magazine *Chat option available on website

Services: General Health Education Programs, Medical Information Services

2451 Crystal Dr, Ste 900

Arlington, VA 22202

(800) 342-2383

American Heart Association, National Hotlines

*General information about heart disease and stroke, CPR training locations, high blood pressure management, and healthy diet and lifestyle *Online support network to share experiences with others and discover more resources (24-7) *Printable information sheets about preventing and managing heart diseases and stroke and living heart-healthy may be downloaded from website

Services: Health/Disability Related Support Groups, Medical Information Services

7272 Greenville Ave

Dallas, TX 75231

(800) 242-8721

American Liver Foundation

*Information about liver wellness and disease *Physcian locator and informal referrals to local healthcare providers and available resources *Help finding local resources such as support groups *Help finding financial resources programs for copays and medication

Services: Medical Information Services

39 Broadway, Ste 2700

National Office

New York, NY 10006

(800) 465-4837

American Lung Association, National Helpline

*Trained lung specialists including nurses and respiratory therapists provide information on any topic having to do with either lung disease or lung health, either by phone or on-line chat *Referrals by phone on on-line for local offices in many cities, tobacco cessation classes and programs, Better Breathers support groups *Freedom from smoking on-line class available on web site

Services: Disease/Disability Information, Medical Information Services, Smoking/Vaping Cessation

55 W Wacker Dr

Ste 1150

Chicago, IL 60601

(800) 586-4872

American Red Cross, Armed Forces Emergency Services

*Emergency services during times of need for armed forces members (active duty or retired with pension) and their families, including emergency communication, financial assistance and information and referral *Services: 1) emergency communications, ie births, serious illness, or death of a family member; 2) verification of need for emergency leave and leave extensions; 3) financial assistance for emergency travel, urgent needs, ie food or shelter; 4) confidential counseling, information, and referrals to military and health and support services; 5) assistance in understanding military policies; 6) direct impact of deployment, anxiety and complexities caused by separation; 7) support and information on issues from benefits or budgeting to deferments, compassionate reassignment and dependence discharge, (granting of leave is strictly between service member and his/her commanding officer) *When calling, be prepared to provide the following information as is known: full legal name; rank/rating; branch of service (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard); Social Security number; date of birth; military unit address; information about the deployed unit and home base unit (for deployed service members only); ongoing Support for Our Military Families; deployment Services

Services: Advocacy, Disaster Management Organizations, Disaster Relief Services, Emergency Funds, Military Family Service/Support Centers, Specialized Information and Referral

1115 Easterwood Dr

Tallahassee, FL 32311

(877) 272-7337

American SIDS Institute Hotline

*Information and referral to persons who have questions or concerns about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), information about prevention and grief, referrals for counseling services, and data regarding research and information about grant funding

Services: Bereaved Parent Support Groups, General Bereavement and Grief Support Groups, Medical Information Services

528 Raven Way

Naples, FL 34110

(239) 431-5425

Apalachee Center, Homeless Project

*Provides outreach, mental health case management and psychiatric/medication management and supportive services for homeless persons with severe and persistent mental illness who are uninsured with a goal to provide clinical assessment, supportive services, and stabilize functioning *Outreach at the Kearney Center and street outreach to enroll clients where they are screened and offered intake if needed by therapists and social workers from various agencies involved in Big Bend Homeless Coalition *SSI/SSDI Outreach, access and recovery (SOAR) Services to assist eligible adults and children who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness and have a serious mental illness, medical impairment, and/or a co-occurring substance use disorder with applications and access.

Services: Case/Care Management, Mental Health Screening, Outreach Programs, Psychiatric Medication Services

471 W Tennessee St

Tallahassee, FL 32301

(850) 523-3269

Viewing 11-20 of 101 results (listed alphabetically A - Z)
