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Women's Pregnancy Center, Tallahassee

*Offers free pregnancy testing and assists women in carrying pregnancy to full term, referrals for blood tests provided when needed; free limited ultrasound provided to center clients *Offers peer options counseling for women and families facing an unplanned pregnancy; education about abortion and alternatives; post-abortion peer counseling and support groups *Referrals for medical care, financial aid, adoption services, housing

Services: Adoption Information/Referrals, Fetal Ultrasound, Postabortion Counseling, Pregnancy Counseling, Pregnancy Testing

919 W Pensacola St

Tallahassee, FL 32304

(850) 297-1174

Women's Pregnancy Center, Tallahassee

*Offers free pregnancy testing and assists women in carrying pregnancy to full term, referrals for blood tests provided when needed; free ultrasound provided to center clients *Offers peer options counseling for women and families facing an unplanned pregnancy; education about abortion and alternatives; post-abortion peer counseling and support groups *Referrals for medical care, financial aid, adoption services, housing

919 W Pensacola St

Tallahassee, FL 32304

(850) 297-1174

Women's Pregnancy Center of Madison, A

*Offers free pregnancy testing and assists women in carrying pregnancy to full term *Free and confidential information to women and men facing possible unplanned pregnancies; post abortion care *Maternity and baby clothes up to the baby's sixth month when mothers participate in a parenting education program *There are often a variety of infant supply available, sometimes according to availability: diapers, wipes, bassinettes, pak-n-play kits, and formula when available

345 NW Marion St

Madison, FL 32340

(850) 973-6970

Women's Pregnancy Center of Madison, A

*Offers free pregnancy testing and assists women in carrying pregnancy to full term *Free and confidential information to women and men facing possible unplanned pregnancies; post abortion care *Maternity and baby clothes up to the baby's sixth month when mothers participate in a parenting education program *There are often a variety of infant supply available, sometimes according to availability: diapers, wipes, bassinettes, pak-n-play kits, and formula when available

Services: Baby Clothing, Baby Furniture, Formula/Baby Food, Maternity Clothing, Parenting Skills Classes, Postabortion Counseling, Pregnancy Counseling, Pregnancy Testing

345 NW Marion St

Madison, FL 32340

(850) 973-6970

Wisdom Finders, LLC

*Private practice with single, English speaking practitioner currently not accepting new patients *Practice is accessible and can be reached by public transportation *Fees $125 an hour, does not offer a sliding scale for self-pay; accepts Employee Assistance Program, Florida Blue (BCBS) Insurances *Treats infants/children, adolescents, young adults and adults as individuals, families and couples by video (telemental health) *Practice cannot prescribe or manage patient's medications

PO Box 181122

Tallahassee, FL 32318

(850) 212-2828

Winship, Kevin, LMHC (MH9414)

*Licensed Mental Health Counselor (MH9414) in private practice who is currently accepting new patients in a location that is accessible and can be reached by public transportation *Fees are $100 per session, does not offer a sliding scale for self-pay; accepts Aetna, United Health One, United Healthcare, Optum, Signa Insurances *Treats adults and young adults as individuals or couples in person and by video (telemental health); specialty treatment areas include general anxiety and depression, religion/spirituality, adjustment issues, relationship issues and men's issues *Therapist is male, English speaking, Caucasian & cannot prescribe or manage patient's medications

Services: Faith Based Counseling, Family Counseling, General Counseling Services, Stress Management, Telemental Health

224 E. 6th Ave

Tallahassee, FL 32303

(850) 509-1181

Wilson, Whitney, PMHNP-BC (APRN11015659)

*ARNP Mental Health Practitioner (APRN11015659) in group practice who is currently accepting new patients that is accessible and can be reached by public transportation *Treats infants through adults as individuals in person and by video (telemental health); specialty treatment areas include ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), Bipolar/Mood Disorders, General Anxiety and Depresion, Psychiatric Disorders, and PTSD.

Services: Adult Psychiatry, General Counseling Services, Medication Information/Management, Psychiatric Medication Services, Telemental Health, Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

2994 Penn Avenue, Suite L

Marianna, FL 32448

(850) 526-5000

Williams, Courtney, LCSW (SW17618)

*Licensed Clinical Social Worker (SW17618) in group practice who is currently accepting new patients in a location which is accessible and can be reached by public transportation *Sessions charged at $136 for 60 minute sessions & $102 for 45 minute sessions; does not offer a sliding scale for self-pay; accepts ACI, Aetna, Beacon Health, Blue Cross & Blue Shield, Cigna, Concordia, E4 Health, EHN, Humana, United Healthcare, Optum, Sunshine, Cenpatico, and Health Advocate Insurances *Treats all ages in person and by video (telemental health); specialty treatment areas include general anxiety and depression, trauma counseling, PTSD, crisis counseling, ADHD, First Responder, and child abuse survivor counseling *Therapist is female, English speaking, Caucasian & cannot prescribe or manage patient's medications

Services: Abuse Counseling, Adolescent/Youth Counseling, Child Abuse Counseling, General Counseling Services, Telemental Health

1706 S Jefferson St

Perry, FL 32348

(850) 329-5776

Wildwood Church, Our Father's Storehouse

*Free groceries and clothing for families in need 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month from 5PM-6:30PM at Wildwood Church Fellowship Hall, 100 Ox Bottom Rd (corner of Meridian Rd and Ox Bottom Rd); groceries and clothes distributed based on family size *Form needs to be filled out at every visit, but ID not needed *Availability depends on church members who volunteer time, food, and donations

Services: Food Pantries, General Clothing Provision

100 Ox Bottom Rd

Tallahassee, FL 32312

(850) 894-1400

Wildwood Church of Tallahassee

*Non-profit religious organization within Presbyterian Church of America *Provides food pantry and clothes closet every 2nd and 4th Tu, 5PM-6:30PM

100 Ox Bottom Road

Tallahassee, FL 32312

(850) 894-1400

Viewing 11-20 of 1,958 results (listed alphabetically Z - A)
