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US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Tampa Field Office

*Takes complaints and enforces federal laws against job discrimination involving civil rights (race, color, religion, sex, or national origin), pregnancy, equal pay for men and women, individuals age 40 or over, and qualified persons with disabilities *Can assess monetary damages in intentional discrimination *Offers active case mediation, small business information, training and outreach *A charge must be filed within 180 days of the occurrence, or 300 days in certain cases

Services: Disability Rights Groups, Discrimination Assistance

501 E Polk St, Ste 1000

Tampa, FL 33602

(800) 669-4000

USVA, Lake City VA Medical Center

*Provides comprehensive veteran healthcare, including: primary care, lab work, specialty care, tertiary care, long term care, and emergency room services *Prosthetics, sensory aids, medical equipment and supplies including wheelchairs available *Visual impairment center to optimize remaining sight *Mental Health Services available *Van service from Tallahassee VA clinic offered 8am M-Th, return times vary based on appointment times, call to reserve and verify times, limited seating available

Services: Emergency Room Care, Eye Care, Hearing Augmentation Aids, Hospitals, Prosthetic Devices, Veteran Outpatient Clinics

619 S Marion Ave

Lake City, FL 32025

(386) 755-3016

Wakulla County Schools

*Public school education for Wakulla County students in pre-K through 12 *Charter schools, adult education programs, GED, exceptional student education *Pathways offers an academic or behavioral alternative school for "high-risk" 6th-12th graders

Services: Public Schools, Student Disability Services, Vocational Education

69 Arran Rd

Crawfordville, FL 32327

(850) 926-0065

Whole Child, Jefferson, Taylor, and Madison

*Program focuses on the six dimensions of children's well-being: Physical and Mental Health, Quality Early Education and Development, Social-Emotional Development, Spiritual Foundation and Strength, Safe and Nurturing Environment, Economic Stability *Web-based listing of community programs serving young children and families; parents/guardians may access information by calling health department *Advisor available to assist parents or guardians fill out on-line profile of child (up to 5 years of age) through the "Connect" process noting his/her needs *Program lists resources; system matches child/family to community services; upon request by parent or guardian, profile forwarded to selected agencies dealing with needs indicated *Agency contacts parents who decide how to move forward in getting help

Services: Child Advocacy Centers, Health Care Referrals, Pediatric Developmental Assessment, Specialized Information and Referral

1476 SW Main Street

Greenville, FL 32331

(850) 253-5355

Whole Child Leon

*Program focuses on the six dimensions of children's well-being: Physical and Mental Health, Quality Early Education and Development, Social-Emotional Development, Spiritual Foundation and Strength, Safe and Nurturing Environment, Economic Stability to include individuals suspected of being sex trafficked, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or disability *Professional network meetings open to the general public, 4th Monday, Noon-1:15PM at the Wesson Center *Provides free developmental screenings for children ages 6 months to 5 years twice a year, in October and April *On-line Mental Health Resource Guide *Tallahassee Pediatric Behavioral Health Navigator Program, also known as the FSU Behavioral Health Hub, creates a centralized entry point to behavioral health services for children aged 0-21 years using Behavioral Health Navigators who meet with a referred child, make individualized referrals, maintain contact to ensure a successful treatment match, follow-up to assess quality of life, and report developments and updates to the child's primary care physician *Referral from Primary Care Physician required for FSU Behavioral Health Hub; fax: 850-765-9509 *Status of the Child report every five years

Services: Health Care Referrals, Human Trafficking Prevention, Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health, Mental Health Screening, Pediatric Developmental Assessment, Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups

1126 A Lee Ave

Tallahassee, FL 32303

(850) 692-3134

Wigs for Kids

*Provides hair replacement solutions for children, under 18, affected by hair loss due to alopecia, chemotherapy, burns, and other medical conditions; must be referred by a medical professional *See web site for steps in applying for a wig *No cost to child/family; recipient can apply again the following year for a new hairpiece if the need still exists; Wigs For Kids provides one hairpiece per child per year free of charge to the recipient family pending approval of the application *Donated hair must be clean, dry, minimum length of 12 inches, in braids or ponytails; can not be colored or permed or have any other chemical treatments; can be cut at local salon, placed in plastic bag and mailed to address listed; see web site for directions

Services: Donated Specialty Items, Wigs

24231 Center Ridge Rd

Westlake, OH 44145

(440) 333-4433

Viewing 201-206 of 206 results (listed by best match)
