Crisis Intervention

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Dose of Reality

*Website dedicated to educated and prevent prescription painkiller abuse in Florida with resources located around the state for students, parents, veterans, seniors, Native Americans, and businesses *Opioid Task Force includes mental health experts, law enforcement, legislators, a State Attorney, and Public Defender to improve education and prevention *Rerferrals and assistance provided by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA) National Drug and Alcohol Treatment Referral Service with a phone line, an online treatment facility locator, Narcotics Anonymous Meeting information *Website includes Drug Take Back locations, where substances can be properly disposed of

Services: Substance Use Disorder Crisis Intervention, Substance Use Disorder Education/Prevention, Substance Use Disorder Hotlines

400 S Monroe St

Tallahassee, FL 32399

(800) 662-4357

FAMU, Counseling Services

*Provides psychiatric evaluation and counseling including crisis counseling for short term; counsels, individuals, couples and groups in person or by video (telemental health) *Counseling services are provided by mental health professionals, but also may be provided by masters and doctoral students in training; Psychiatrists and M.

Services: Conjoint Counseling, Crisis Intervention, General Counseling Services, Mental Health Screening, Psychiatric Case Management, Psychiatric Medication Services, Student Counseling Services, Telemental Health

1735 Wahnish Way Ste 304 (CASS Building)

Tallahassee, FL 32307

(850) 599-3145

Florida Council Against Sexual Violence, FCASV

*24/7 Toll-Free Information Line provides information and referral to sexual assault survivors, primarily to agencies that can provide assistance and/or counseling over the phone.

Services: Sexual Assault Hotlines

1820 E Park Ave, Ste 100

Tallahassee, FL 32301

(888) 956-7273

Florida Network of Youth and Family Services

*Statewide agency provides information and referrals for both children/teens (6-17) and/or parents who are in crisis; agency does NOT provide direct services to callers *Serves as information and referral resource for CINS/FINS (Children in Need of Services/Families in Need of Services) and other agencies for families with a child persistently beyond the reasonable and lawful control of parents or guardians *Refers homeless, runaway, truant and at risk youth to shelters, respite care, and other helping agencies *Website has important information related to parents and youth in crisis: Parent Options (legal and otherwise) for ungovernable children, and legal rights for youth *Advocates for agencies who serve troubled youth providing training, quality improvement, contract management, data collection, research, and advocacy

Services: Runaway/Homeless Youth Helplines

2850 Pablo Ave

Tallahassee, FL 32308

(850) 922-4324

Good Samaritan Network, AngelWingz Family Crisis and Intervention Center

*Faith-based transitional housing for women and children fleeing domestic abuse and human trafficking \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ *Initial assessment will determine needs; 30, 60, 90 day stays are available while working toward self-sufficiency and readiness for independent living *Connects residents with GED classes and testing if needed, employment training and search assistance, counseling for recovery and referrals to other support services as needed; maintains DCF compliance and regulations *Once employed, monthly donations for program fees of $300 to $500 are required from residents depending on income *Women may be accompanied by minor children, day care or school is mandatory; residents must participate daily in their own personal hygiene and household chores; residents must be willing to participate in their own wellness and education through counseling, reading, videos and other tools *Applicant must be willing to work as able, go to school, or participate in community service or work therapy *Alcohol, tobacco, and drugs are forbidden; addicts in recovery are permitted as long as they are actively working their program *Emergency escape assistance is available *For intake, go to the website to complete an intake assessment form or call if necessary *This is NOT an emergency shelter

Services: Domestic Violence Shelters, Transitional Housing/Shelter

PO Box 3914

Tallahassee, FL 32315

(850) 422-0040

Good Samaritan Network, Chelsea House

*Faith-based transitional housing for women experiencing homelessness, being released from prison, victims of domestic violence and victims of human trafficking *Length of stay depends on program: Rescue (Phase 1) 1-3 night stay, Redeem (Phase 2) Trial period up to two weeks, Rebuild (Phase 3) stabilization up to 30 days, and Restore (Phase 4) up to six months with extensions based on need, Resend (Phase 5) assistance to resume independent living *Provides job-readiness training, job placement services and referrals to other support services on an "as needed" basis *Physical, emotional and spiritual support while working toward self-sufficiency and readiness for independent living *Applicant must be mentally and physically stable, able and willing and able to work, go to school or participate in GSN community service or work therapy for a combined minimum of 40 hours weekly *Does not accept applicants with substance abuse issues until they have completed detox and rehab *Application options include hand delivery or mail to Good Samaritan Thrift Store, 2706 N Monroe St, Tallahassee, FL 32303; fax to 850-297-1113, email to info@gsncares.

Services: Domestic Violence Shelters, Ex-Offender Reentry Programs, Transitional Housing/Shelter

PO Box 10547

Tallahassee, FL 32302

(850) 297-1113

Greenleaf Center

*Regional psychiatric and substance abuse facility serving South Georgia and North Florida *Outpatient and inpatient mental health and substance abuse treatment, including detox, for adolescents, adults and seniors *24 hour helpline

Services: Adolescent/Youth Counseling, Detoxification, General Counseling Services, General Crisis Intervention Hotlines, Inpatient Mental Health Facilities, Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities, Mental Health Screening, Outpatient Mental Health Facilities, Substance Use Disorder Counseling

2209 Pineview Dr

Valdosta, GA 31602

(888) 408-8219

Intimate Partner Violence Assistance Program (IPVAP)

*Program for Veterans, their families, caregivers and VHA employees who use or experience intimate partner violence; can include intervention for veteran who uses violence *Referral and coordination with other VA treatment providers and domestic violence shelters; community-based advocacy, legal services, and community-based support groups

Services: Domestic Violence Hotlines, Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling, Veteran/Military Hotlines

810 Vermont Ave NW

Washington, DC 20420

(850) 878-0191

I Save Florida

*Website that offers information and resources surrounding substance abuse and addiction *Includes treatment center locations, a Narcan (Naloxone) locator, a professionals locator, and downloadable brochures on prevention and treatment *Offers information about how to recognize and treat an overdose, and also the do-nots of treatment and resuscitation *Narcan (Naloxone) kits are free to individuals that are at risk of expereincing an opioid overdose, and friends/family that may witness an opioid overdose; see website for locations/procedures

Services: Substance Use Disorder Crisis Intervention, Substance Use Disorder Education/Prevention

1317 Winewood Blvd, Bldg 1, Rm 202

Tallahassee, FL 32399

(850) 487-1111

Lakeview Center, Mobile Response Team

*24/7 Mobile Response Team (MRT) will go out to a person's home, emergency room, school or other location as needed, for an immediate and/or severe mental health crisis at no charge *Takes calls from anyone in a mental health crisis, serious behavioral/emotional issues or their family/friends; children, teens, & adults *Mobile Response Team is available when a person is expressing thoughts of suicide, experiencing out of control behaviors that place themselves at risk of harming self or others, or is experiencing severe stress that results in a significant decline in daily and/or family life *Does not have law enforcement accompany unless safety is a concern *Covers Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa and Walton Counties

Services: In Person Crisis Intervention, Mental Health Screening, Psychiatric Mobile Response Teams

1221 W Lakeview Ave

Pensacola, FL 32501

(866) 517-7766

Viewing 21-30 of 52 results (listed by best match)
