Health Services

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UF-IFAS, Taylor County Extension Service

*Up-to-date information about food safety, nutrition and health, human development, parent education, family resource (debt) management *Latest data on natural resources, wildlife conservation, horticulture, forestry, agriculture, marine industries, coastal issues, and aquaculture *4-H youth development programs and summer camps *Newspaper columns, newsletters, phone calls, workshops, and seminars *Volunteer opportunities available

Services: Camps, College/University Extension Programs, Consumer Education, Gardening/Landscaping Instruction, Land Conservation, Marine Conservation, Nutrition Education, Parenting Skills Classes, Personal Financial Counseling, Volunteer Opportunities, Wildlife Conservation, Youth Agricultural Programs, Youth Enrichment Programs

203 Forest Park Dr

Perry, FL 32347

(850) 838-3508

UF-IFAS, Wakulla County Extension Service

*Up-to-date information about food safety, nutrition and health, human development, parent education, family resource (debt) management *Latest data on natural resources, wildlife conservation, horticulture, forestry, agriculture, marine industries, coastal issues, and aquaculture *Classes, workshop, food demonstrations, gardening assistance *4-H youth development programs and summer camps *Newspaper columns, newsletters, phone calls, workshops, podcasts, and seminars *Volunteer opportunities available

Services: Camps, College/University Extension Programs, Consumer Education, Gardening/Landscaping Instruction, Land Conservation, Nutrition Education, Parenting Skills Classes, Personal Financial Counseling, Volunteer Opportunities, Wildlife Conservation, Youth Agricultural Programs

84 Cedar Ave

Crawfordville, FL 32327

(850) 926-3931

USDA Rural Development, Lake City Office

*Aids communities by providing financing for single-family housing, multi-family housing, public facilities, emergency vehicles, water/wastewater systems, utilities and business loans *Financial assistance available to finance housing, make repairs, remove hazards and make homes decent, safe and sanitary to very low income families *Loans can be financed 100% of the sale price, buyer must still have to come up with closing cost which can run between $5,000 to $7,000 *Interest rates can be reduced to 1%, depending on household income

Services: Home Purchase/Construction Financing/Refinancing, Home Rehabilitation Programs, Subsidized Home Acquisition

971 W Duval St, Ste 190

Lake City, FL 32055

(386) 719-5590

USDA Rural Development, Marianna Office

*Provides loans to low and very low income families for financing a family dwelling; house may be new or existing *Financial assistance available to make repairs, remove hazards and make homes decent, safe, and sanitary *Loans can be financed 100% at fixed interest rates; rates can be reduced to 1%, depending on the household income *Loan grants may be made to homeowners over 62 with low credit rating for repairs up to $7,500 at 1%, amount and financing based on income

Services: Home Purchase/Construction Financing/Refinancing, Home Rehabilitation Programs

2741 Pennsylvania Ave, Ste 5

Marianna, FL 32448

(850) 526-2610

US Department of Health and Human Services

*The U.

Services: Mental Health Information/Education

200 Independence Avenue, S.W.

Washington, DC 20201

(877) 696-6775

USVA, Bay Pines VA Healthcare System, Infectious Disease Unit

*Veteran Affairs Clinic serving Health Care in the areas of: Primary Care, Specialty Clinics Mental Health Care, and Social Programs and Services (Caregiver Support, Homeless Veteran Care, LGBTQ - Veteran Care, Minority Veteran Care, Return To Work Care (from deployments)).

Services: AIDS Drug Assistance Programs, AIDS/HIV Clinics, Case/Care Management, Confidential HIV Testing, Prescription Expense Assistance, Veteran Outpatient Clinics

10000 Bay Pines Blvd

Bay Pines, FL 33744

(727) 398-6661 x16615

USVA, Gulf Coast Health Care System, Panama City Outpatient Clinic

*General medical care, specialty medicine, dental, mental health services, psychiatry and social workers for Veterans *Mental Health Clinic, 140 Richard Jackson Blvd, Panama City Beach, 32407 *Phone numbers listed same for both locations

Services: Outpatient Mental Health Facilities, Veteran Outpatient Clinics

2600 Veteran's Way

Panama City, FL 32408

(850) 636-7000

USVA, Lake City VA Medical Center

*Provides comprehensive veteran healthcare, including: primary care, lab work, specialty care, tertiary care, long term care, and emergency room services *Prosthetics, sensory aids, medical equipment and supplies including wheelchairs available *Visual impairment center to optimize remaining sight *Mental Health Services available *Van service from Tallahassee VA clinic offered 8am M-Th, return times vary based on appointment times, call to reserve and verify times, limited seating available

Services: Emergency Room Care, Eye Care, Hearing Augmentation Aids, Hospitals, Prosthetic Devices, Veteran Outpatient Clinics

619 S Marion Ave

Lake City, FL 32025

(386) 755-3016

USVA, Malcom Randall Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Gainesville

*Provides services for Healthcare, disabilities, education and training, careers and employment, housing assistance, pension, life insurance, burials and memorials, records, service members benefits, and family members benefits *Medical healthcare for veterans, full range of comprehensive healthcare, including: primary care, lab work, tertiary care, and long term care *Specialty care includes: psychiatry, mental health counseling, geriatric evaluation and management, gastroenterology, hematology, oncology care, prosthetics and sensory aids services, surgical services, optometry, visual impairment center, sleep studies and sleep center *Van service offered from Tallahassee VA clinic offered (call for time M-Th), return times vary based on appointment times, call to reserve and verify times, limited seating available

Services: General Counseling Services, Hospitals, Mental Health Screening, Outpatient Mental Health Facilities, Psychiatric Medication Services, Veteran Education Benefits, Veteran Outpatient Clinics, Veteran Reintegration Counseling

1601 SW Archer Rd

Gainesville, FL 32608

(352) 376-1611

USVA, Marianna Community Based Outpatient Clinic

*Operating under normal hours, but encourage telehealth visits whenever possible, face-to-face visits scheduled only after telephone or virutal care coordination, everyone entering the facilities is screened, and visitors are limited, face coverings are mandatory and will be provided if the patient does not bring their own *Primary medical health care for veterans *Psychiatry, mental health counseling, smoking cessation, diabetic and hypertension care and education *Patients currently going to VA clinic elsewhere can transfer to this clinic or continue to see current provider; transferring veterans will be worked in for appointments after newly enrolled veterans are seen *Veterans requiring hospitalization or some specialty services are transferred to either other local facilities, Lake City, or Gainesville *Veterans have access to clinics and education sessions via Telehealth

Services: Outpatient Mental Health Facilities, Veteran Outpatient Clinics

4970 Hwy 90

Marianna, FL 32446

(850) 718-5620

Viewing 361-370 of 383 results (listed by best match)
