Employment Assistance

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CareerSource, North Florida

*Unites various employment, training and support services and agencies to assist residents of Madison, Taylor, Suwannee, Hamilton and Lafayette Counties find jobs and assist businesses to obtain employees *Access to employment services and DCF Access Florida computer application process in one central location in Madison County *Center improves employment skills through job aptitude and interest assessment, resume writing and interviewing skills, computer access *Employment information and help regarding job openings and other related services *Unemployment claims process: www.

Services: Employment Preparation, Ex-Offender Employment Programs, Food Stamps/SNAP, Job Finding Assistance, Medicaid, TANF, Unemployment Insurance

705 E Base St

Madison, FL 32340

(850) 973-9675

Children's Medical Services Managed Care Plan

*Children's Medical Services is a type of health insurance operated by Sunshine Health which falls under the umbrellla of Florida Kidcare, for children who are under age 21 and eligible for Medicaid and have special healthcare needs that require extensive preventive and ongoing care *Covering evaluations, assessments, pediatrics, medications, care coordination, and specialty programs including immune compromised children *To qualify a child must meet Medicaid and Florida Healthy Kids financial requirements, must be the age of 21 or younger, and must meet Children's Medical Services clinical screening requirements or have a physician attest to child's qualifying medical conditions; call the toll free clinical eligibilty hotline for screening

Services: Case/Care Management, Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays, Health Insurance/Dental Coverage, Medicaid, Pediatric Developmental Assessment, Pediatrics, Prescription Expense Assistance

4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A06

Tallahassee, FL 32399

(850) 245-4200

Community Wellness Counseling and Support Services, Tallahassee

*CARF accredited group outpatient practice currently accepting new patients, and able to offer supervised medication prescription and managment; treats children through adults in person and by video (telemental health); specialties include pre-surgical bariatric psychological evaluations, depression, anxiety, grief, eating disorders, and trauma in individual, family, couples and group settings *Fees $125 an hour, does not offer a sliding scale for self-pay; accepts Access Behavioral Health, Aetna and Simply Florida Healthy Kids Plans, AETNA, AMBETTER, BCBS, BEACON, Children's Medical Services (CMS) Title 19, Children's Medical Services (CMS) Title 21, Cigna, Humana Medicaid, Medicaid Florida, Medicare, Molina Healthcare, OPTUM, Private Pay, SIMPLY, Sunshine Medicaid, Tricare East Region, United Health Care, UMR, and Wellcare *All programs, services, and administration are located in the Bristol office; Tallahassee office (2940 E Park Ave Tallahassee, FL 32301) is for therapy sessions only

Services: Adolescent/Youth Counseling, Bereavement and Grief Counseling, Conjoint Counseling, Eating Disorders Treatment, Family Counseling, General Counseling Services, Medicaid, Medication Information/Management, Mental Health Evaluation, Psychiatric Medication Services, Telemental Health

2940 E Park Ave Tallahassee

Tallahassee, FL 32301

(850) 643-1033

Community Wellness Counseling & Support Services, Bristol

*CARF accredited group outpatient practice currently accepting new patients, all mental health professionals are English speaking only *Treats children through adults in person and by video (telemental health); depression, anxiety, grief, eating disorders, and trauma in individual, family, couples and group settings *Public School and Early Learning programs including observation, preventative care, advocacy, and care coordination for individual students; consultation, observation and crisis planning and intervention for teachers and administrators; education for parents, teachers, and staff *Provides pre-surgical bariatric psychological evaluations as mandated by insurance companies for approved for weight loss surgery *Practice can offer psychiatric supervised medication prescription and managment *Fees $125 an hour, does not offer a sliding scale for self-pay; accepts Access Behavioral Health, Aetna and Simply Florida Healthy Kids Plans, AETNA, AMBETTER, BCBS, BEACON, Children's Medical Services (CMS) Title 19, Children's Medical Services (CMS) Title 21, Cigna, Humana Medicaid, Medicaid Florida, Medicare, Molina Healthcare, OPTUM, Private Pay, SIMPLY, Sunshine Medicaid, Tricare East Region, United Health Care, UMR, and Wellcare *All programs, services, and administration are located in the Bristol office; Tallahassee office (2940 E Park Ave Tallahassee, FL 32301) is for therapy sessions only

Services: Adolescent/Youth Counseling, Autism Therapy, Eating Disorders Treatment, Medicaid, Medication Information/Management, Mental Health Evaluation, Parent Counseling, Pediatric Developmental Assessment, Psychiatric Medication Services, Telemental Health

10611 Florida Hwy 20

Bristol, FL 32321

(850) 643-1033

DCF, ACCESS Florida, Gadsden/Liberty/Jackson/Calhoun

*DCF, ACCESS Florida is a system for persons/families with low-incomes to apply for public assistance benefits *Benefits available for persons meeting eligibility guidelines: *Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP/Food Stamps/EBT) *Temporary cash assistance (TCA, TANF), *Medicaid insurance for health care *Medicaid Share of Cost (aka Medically Needy) for medical bill assistance to low-income individuals and families not qualifying for Medicaid, but unable to pay medical bills; recipients required to pay a portion of medical bills each month before financial assistance available *Applications for children determined not eligible for Medicaid will be referred electronically to Florida KidCare *Adults who are former foster youth may be eligible for Medicaid under ACA up to age 26 *THREE WAYS TO APPLY: 1.

Services: Food Stamps/SNAP, Health Insurance/Dental Coverage, Medicaid, TANF

6 S Key St

Quincy, FL 32351

(850) 300-4323

DCF, ACCESS Florida, Leon/Gadsden/Jefferson/Wakulla/Franklin Counties

*Office located at 2810 Sharer Rd, Unit 25, 32312 *Serves persons from Leon, Wakulla, Gadsden, Jefferson, and Franklin Counties *DCF, ACCESS Florida is a system for persons/families with low-incomes to apply for public assistance benefits *Benefits available for persons meeting eligibility guidelines: *Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP/Food Stamps/EBT) *Temporary cash assistance (TCA, TANF), *Medicaid insurance for health care *Medicaid Share of Cost (aka Medically Needy) for medical bill assistance to low-income individuals and families not qualifying for Medicaid, but unable to pay medical bills; recipients required to pay a portion of medical bills each month before financial assistance available *Applications for children determined not eligible for Medicaid will be referred electronically to Florida KidCare *Adults who are former foster youth may be eligible for Medicaid under ACA up to age 26 *THREE WAYS TO APPLY: 1.

Services: Food Stamps/SNAP, Health Insurance/Dental Coverage, Medicaid, TANF

2810 Sharer Road, Units 10-14

Tallahassee, FL 32312

(850) 300-4323

DCF, Continue the Mission Initiative

*Department of Children and Family (DCF) program offering flexible career opportunities to veterans, military spouses, and former law enforcement officers to serve as Child Protective Investigators (CPI), case managers and mentors *DCF and Florida Department of Veteran's Affairs (FDVA), partnering with local veterans' groups in Tallahassee will host the initial recruitment events for veterans, their spouses and former law enforcement officers at Career Source *Serve as a call to action for veterans, military spouses and former law enforcement officers who still have a desire to serve their communities.

Services: Veteran Employment Programs

1317 Winewood Blvd, Bldg 1, Rm 202

Tallahassee, FL 32399

(850) 487-1111

DCF, Family Planning Waiver

*Applications available through DCF Access Florida website *Medicaid Family Planning Waiver (aka Family Planning Medicaid for Today's Woman); special Medicaid waiver extending for up to two years *Medicaid coverage for women ages 14-55 who have lost full Medicaid coverage within last two years, must be a United States citizen or permanent resident of five years or more, income must be 185% of Federal Poverty Level or less *Limited to annual physical exams, pap smears, pregnancy tests, and all forms of birth control including outpatient tubal ligations *Covers STD and colposcopy services if performed within six weeks of the physical exam *Women with a recent pregnancy automatically enrolled in the program for first year of coverage, must re-apply for second year *Women with Medicaid Share of Cost (Medically Needy) may have Medicaid FP Waiver at the same time *Women are ineligible for FPW if have had a tubal ligation or hysterectomy, are pregnant, are enrolled in another insurance with one exception (Medically Needy Medicaid) *FPW services available at local Department of Health (DOH) offices

Services: Birth Control, Medicaid

2415 N Monroe St, Ste 400

DCF Headquarters

Tallahassee, FL 32303

(850) 300-4323

Demp House Transitional Living

*Eight-bed, Sober Living Transitional Housing for Men 18+ *Residents must show a commitment to sobriety required including drug and alcohol testing, attend AA meetings, participate in counseling sessions, do chores and pay their rent *Residents must employed or have a sustainable source of income *Ongoing group setting aftercare, relapse prevention, peer support *Medicaid, Medicare, other insurance, sliding scale fee; services available to anyone regardless of insurance or income *Transportation services may be available, access to city transportation is available

Services: Medicaid, Relapse Prevention Programs, Sober Living Homes

1309 Thomasville Rd

Tallahassee, FL 32308

(850) 296-0056

DISC Village, Residential Program Natural Bridge Recovery Center (NBRC)

*Residential treatment program offering voluntary or court ordered treatment for adult men aged 18 and older with a diagnosis of chemical dependency including individual counseling, group counseling, peer and family sessions, motivational interviewing, cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT), nutritional screening and counseling, education and vocation programs, case management, and incorporation of 12-step programs *Support services include vocational assessments, job search assistance, job and life skills training, referral to adult education classes

Services: Detoxification, Employment Preparation, Life Skills Education, Medication Assisted Maintenance Treatment for Substance Use Disorders, Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities

2967 Natural Bridge Rd

Tallahassee, FL 32305

(850) 421-4115

Viewing 31-40 of 141 results (listed by best match)
