Clothing/Household Goods

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Pregnancy Center of Gadsden County

*Offers free pregnancy testing and ultrasound; assists women in carrying pregnancy to full term *Faith-based program to assist women and men involved in planned and unplanned pregnancies *Pregnancy counseling, adoption information, abortion recovery, peer mentors, STD testing for men and women, parenting education *Support groups to address issues of grief and loss from miscarriage and past abortions, call or go online to register *Baby Boutique has maternity and baby clothes available, accept donations of clothing, baby furniture, baby necessities *Friday and Saturday appointments available by request

Services: Adoption Information/Referrals, Baby Clothing, Maternity Clothing, Parenting Education, Pregnancy Counseling, Pregnancy Testing, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening, Support Groups

21 N Love St

Abella Women's Center

Quincy, FL 32351

(850) 539-1221

Pregnancy Help and Information Center

*Offers free pregnancy testing and assists women in carrying pregnancy to full term *Information on adoption and prenatal care; free ultrasound if eligible *Pregnancy education and childbirth coaches, parenting education *Counseling regarding abortion alternatives and post-abortion support; pro-life agency *Stork Room: maternity clothes, clothing for children sizes infant through 4T, diapers, wipes, baby furniture and equipment (when available), formula and baby food *Dad University; Abstinence Education Program; Speaker's Bureau

Services: Adoption Information/Referrals, Baby Clothing, Formula/Baby Food, Maternity Clothing, Parenting Skills Classes, Postabortion Counseling, Pregnancy Counseling, Pregnancy Testing

1710 S Gadsden St

Tallahassee, FL 32301

(850) 222-7177

Promise Land Ministries Lighthouse, Inc

*Church-affiliated organization: transitional housing and 12-step rehabilitation center for both men and women dealing with substance abuse or addiction *18 beds for men; 7 beds for women; open 24-hours a day; dormitory housing when space available; length of stay varies depending upon individual needs *Program is NOT a temporary homeless shelter *Food pantry open to the community first W of month, 1PM-3PM; 20 Church Rd, Crawfordville, 32327 *Provides meal assistance upon request when food supplies are available; appointments needed to receive food outside of food pantry hours *Donation-based handyman and lawn services provided *Thrift store with clothing and household goods located at 3299 Crawfordville Hwy, Crawfordville, 32327, open 9AM-4PM, M, Tu, Th, F, Sa

Services: Food Pantries, Household Goods, In Home Assistance, Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities, Thrift Shops, Transitional Housing/Shelter

3167 Coastal Hwy

Crawfordville, FL 32327

(850) 926-3281

SafeLink Wireless

*Provider for federal Lifeline program which offers a free cellular phone with plan that gives 350 free minutes and unlimited texts per month for income eligible households that meet certain requirements *Automatic eligibility offered to persons already participating in Public Housing Assistance/Section 8, Food Stamps, LIHEAP, SSI, National School Lunch (free program only), TANF, Medicaid or Bureau of Indian Affairs programs *Alternative eligibility: total household income 150% of federal poverty guidelines and must be verified *To apply by phone, persons must call during business hours and follow prompts *Applying on-line faster and easier *No other Lifeline service can be used in household and applicant must have valid US postal service address (No PO Box numbers accepted)

Services: Cell Phones

9700 NW 112th Ave

Miami, FL 33178

(800) 723-3546

Salvation Army, Basic Needs Assistance, Quincy Office

10/29/2024 Update: No rent or utility assistance available for the rest of the calendar year *Rent and Utilities financial assistance; must have a documented hardship within the past 60 days; *Gadsden County residents in need of utility or rental assistance may apply by calling the Main Number (Tallahassee Office) on Mondays from 10AM-11AM; Persons who then qualify for an in person appointment may have appointment set at the Quincy office, if they prefer *Documented hardship may include: medical bills not covered by insurance; death of close relative (relative had to be living in household and contributing to income: funeral costs: traveling to funeral); car repair; big housing expense (plumbing, appliance replacements, etc.

Services: Diapers, Food Pantries, Personal/Grooming Supplies, Rent Payment Assistance, Utility Service Payment Assistance

320 W Jefferson St

Quincy, FL 32351

(850) 222-0304

Salvation Army, Basic Needs Assistance, Tallahassee Office

*Provide assistance to residents of Leon, Gadsden, and Wakulla Counties in need including clothing vouchers, food pantry, hygiene kits, limited baby and feminine hygiene products, furniture vouchers, disaster assistance program, Thanksgiving dinner on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving Day, and holiday Angel Tree assistance program *All assistance is for emergency services only and available on a limited basis; food pantry may be used once a month (except daily bread and pastries, when available); furniture vouchers are given on a case by case bases for those who are recovering from a natural disaster or homelessness and will require photo ID and a letter from a caseworker; personal hygiene kits are provided every 6 months, if available; all other all other assistance is available once every 12 months

Services: Diapers, Food Pantries, Furniture, General Clothing Provision, Menstruation Supplies, Personal/Grooming Supplies

2410 Allen Rd

Tallahassee, FL 32312

(850) 222-0304

Salvation Army, Tallahassee Family Store

*Thrift store that sells a variety of donated items at low cost including clothing, shoes, furniture, office equipment, household items, small appliances, books *Will pick up some donations on a case by case basis

Services: Thrift Shops

2410 Allen Rd

Tallahassee, FL 32312

(850) 575-9798

Sowing Seeds Sewing Comfort Ministry

*Food Pantry delivery services by way of Door Dash delivery services through 211 Big Bend service; Second and Fourth Wednesdays of each month, 9AM-Noon; request an application by emailing SSSCMIN2@gmail.

Services: Food Pantries, Gardening/Landscaping Instruction, General Clothing Provision, Home Delivered Meals, Volunteer Opportunities

(850) 345-7535

Stork's Nest, The

*Distribution center where low income pregnant women can get up to $60 in E-gift cards by participating in prenatal classes *There are 6 total online training modules; participating women will earn $10 per completed module *Additionally, women may choose to continue with the program for up to a year and earn things like car seats, disposable diapers, sleeper gowns, booties/socks, baby wipes, receiving blankets, undershirts, onesies, bottles/nipples, outer garment, wash clothes, and towels *Volunteer group, office not open every day; call, may need to leave message

Services: Baby Clothing, Childbirth Education, Expectant/New Parent Assistance, Parenting Skills Classes

Tallahassee, FL 32301

(850) 290-2053

Trinity Church Giveaway

*Giveaway of clothes, shoes, and other items depending on donations: personal toiletries, household items, baby items; however there is no guarantee what might be available each month *Giveaway of a retail gift card in the amount of $25, first come first serve to any senior who is 65 and over and has not received a card within the past three months, mst bring a photo ID to be eligible * 4th Saturday of each month, starting at noon until cards are exhausted *For further information call the church office

Services: Food Vouchers, General Clothing Provision

484 Dodger Ball Park Rd

Quincy, FL 32351

(850) 627-8113

Viewing 31-40 of 46 results (listed by best match)
