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Viewing 31-40 of 360 results (listed by location, Near to Far)

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Area 02 STD Program Manager (Leon DOH Area)

*Central contact for STD local control staff, community outreach and education, regional and county planning; evaluation of local counseling, testing, and referral programs; coordination of patient care related activities

Services: Sexually Transmitted Disease Control, Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening

1515 Old Bainbridge Rd

Tallahassee, FL 32304

(850) 404-6363

Area 2A Minority AIDS Coodinator

*Acts as liaison and coordinates exchange of information between Bureau of HIV/AIDS and minority organizations working with HIV/AIDS clients in each region of Florida *Recruits and establishes minority volunteers to support, mentor, and assist in implementing local community events

Services: AIDS/HIV Control, AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling

597 W 11th St

Panama City, FL 32401

(850) 252-9596

Area TB Coordinator, Pamela Nelson

*Central point of contact for tuberculosis testing and treatment; provides surveillance and reporting activities for designated counties; provides community education and training

Services: Tuberculosis Control, Tuberculosis Screening

1295 W Fairfield Dr

Pensacola, FL 32501

(850) 879-8633

Arthritis Foundation, Inc.

*Patient education and referrals; Public Medical Information Forum, free literature *Life Improvement Series offers aquatic, exercise, and self-help programs to increase mobility, reduce pain and stiffness, and decrease physician visits

Services: Arthritis Treatment Centers

9500 Koger Blvd N, Ste 102

Saint Petersburg, FL 33702

(800) 283-7800

Ascension Sacred Heart Medical Center at Apalachicola

*Family medical care *Pediatrics, immunizations *Pregnancy testing

Services: General Medical Care, Pediatrics, Pregnancy Testing

55 Avenue E

Apalachicola, FL 32320

(850) 370-1000

Assistance Fund, The

*Three financial aid programs: Copay Assistance, Health Care Expenses, and Insurance Premium and Incidentals *Health Insurance Premium Assistance program offers financial assistance to help pay for out-of-pocket premiums for eligible health insurance plans, and incidental healthcare expenses *Critically and chronically ill individuals offered access to advanced therapies through a variety of services and programs, including education and financial aid *Covers many different diseases, go to https://tafcares.

Services: Medical Care Expense Assistance, Prescription Expense Assistance

8427 Southpark Circle

Orlando, FL 32819

(855) 845-3663

Autism Research Institute

*Conducts research and disseminates the results on the causes of autism and on methods of preventing, diagnosing and treating autism and other severe behavioral disorders of childhood *Provides research based information to parents, caretakers and professionals through the agency's web site which also offers screening tools such as a diagnostic check-list and an Autism Treatment Evaluation checklist (ATEC) *Awards grants and funds research studies, interested parties can learn more about taking part in the studies on the website

Services: Autism Therapy, Clinical Trials, Pediatric Developmental Assessment

4182 Adams Ave

San Diego, CA 92116

(833) 281-7165

Autism Society

*Information and referral for anyone looking for help with autism *Trained staff helps identify local and alternative resources *Website resources: federal, state and local agencies; professionals, education, medical service providers; support systems, and research facilities

Services: Autism Therapy, Health/Disability Related Support Groups, Medical Information Services

6110 Executive Blvd, Ste 305

Rockville, MD 20852

(800) 328-8476

Autism Speaks

*Website offers varied information about autism and where to start seeking help *Autism Response Team helps families by phone with an autistic child or person with advice on where to start looking for trained assistance, learning the signs, knowing your child's rights, local assistance *Parent support, staying informed, transition to adulthood, adult services

Services: Autism Therapy, Health/Disability Related Support Groups

PO Box 37148

Boone, IA 50037

(888) 288-4762

Bailey, John, DO (OS5349)

*Osteopathic Physician (OS5349) and psychiatrist in private practice that is not accessible and cannot be reached by public transportation who is currently accepting new patients *Treats adults, young adults, and geriatrics as individuals and families in person; specialty treatment areas include general anxiety and depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, autistic disorder *Therapist is male, English speaking, Caucasian & can prescribe or manage patient's medications

Services: Adult Psychiatry, Autism Therapy, General Counseling Services, Medication Information/Management, Psychiatric Medication Services

1804 Miccosukee Commons

Suite 204

Tallahassee, FL 32308

(850) 383-9991

Viewing 31-40 of 360 results (listed by location, Near to Far)
