Family Planning/Maternal Services

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My Choice Adoptions Crisis Pregnancy Support

*Non-profit agency for women considering adoption; provides financial assistance, counseling, medical care and information regarding adoption choices

Services: Adoption Counseling and Support

3518 Sharer Rd

Tallahassee, FL 32312

(850) 273-2629

Meyer, Laura, PhD, LMHC

*Hollywood based doctor and licensed mental health counselor that focuses on maternal mental health *Offers counseling in both office or via tele-mental health, which is open to all of Florida

Services: Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders Treatment, Pregnancy Counseling

106 S University Dr

Suite B

Plantation, FL 33324

(954) 884-0050

Medical Center of Blountstown, The

*Physician offer pediatrics (age 5 and up), family care, family planning (birth control), diabetes screenings, lab work *Physicals for sports, school, employment *Appointments preferred, accept walk-ins who are existing patients

Services: Birth Control, Diabetes Screening, General Medical Care, Gynecology Services, Immunizations, Pediatrics

20454 NE Finley Ave

Blountstown, FL 32424

(850) 674-2221

Making Miracles Group Home

*Faith-based transitional housing for pregnant women and women with a child under one year of age; has accomodations for up to six women at a time *Goal oriented program in which women work toward self sufficiency and independent living; includes basic healthy cooking classes, household chores done as a team, church attendance on Sundays required, GED preparation, job finding assistance, prenatal and parenting classes *Women may stay for up to a year if working to meet individualized goals *Location is on or near a bus route *Very limited space is occasionally available for emergency shelter for pregnant women or women with a child under age one

Services: Maternity Homes, Transitional Housing/Shelter

Confidential Location

Tallahassee, FL 32312

(850) 727-3304

Lowther, Tiffany, LMHC (MH13737)

*Orlando based licensed mental health counselor (MH13737) in private practice *Works with adolescents through adults in person and by video (telemental health), specialities include substance use, women's issues, anxiety, trauma, relationships, pregnancy, postpartum mental health, EMDR *Fees are $155 for an evalutation or regular 50 minute session, higher for longer sessions, accepts Aetna and United insurances

Services: Adolescent/Youth Counseling, Conjoint Counseling, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, General Counseling Services, Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders Treatment, Pregnancy Counseling, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Telemental Health

1060 Woodcock Rd, Ste 104

Orlando, FL 32803

(407) 906-8155

Little Pine Pediatrics, PLLC

*Pediatric care for children birth to 21 years *'Meet the Doctor' session offered for pregnant women searching for pediatrician before their babies are born *Pregnancy testing *Seasonal sports physicals *Practice focuses on reading and ADHD skills, works with parents and teachers *Other location: 194 NE Hancock Ave, Madison, 32340

Services: Immunizations, Pediatric Developmental Assessment, Pediatrics, Pregnancy Testing

1702 S Jefferson St

Perry, FL 32348

(850) 577-5437

Legree, Tia, LMHC (MH19510)

*Licensed Mental Health Counselor (MH19510) in a virtual private practice who is currently accepting new patients in a location which is not accessible and cannot be reached by public transportation *Fees $65-120 an hour, offers a sliding scale for self-pay; does not accept insurance *Treats adolescents, young adults and adults as individuals, families and couples by video (telemental health); specialty treatment areas include general anxiety and depression, victim and trauma counseling, pregnancy mental health, and adolescent counseling.

Services: Adolescent/Youth Counseling, Family Counseling, Mental Health Assessment and Treatment, Mental Health Evaluation, Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders Treatment, Pregnancy Counseling, Telemental Health

(850) 980-6632

Lamaze International

*Information and referrals for Lamaze childbirth classes either by phone on or website *Certification for Lamaze instructors

Services: Childbirth Education

2001 K St NW, 3rd Floor

Washington, DC 20006

(202) 367-1128

La Leche League Breastfeeding Helpline

*Helpline: information, education, and support for women who want to breastfeed, and for healthcare providers and others *Access to most current breastfeeding information; receive support from accredited La Leche League Leader; receive contact information for local LLL Leaders and Groups *Helpline open 24 hours; most calls answered by live operators; during times of high call volume, callers may need to leave voice mail

Services: Breastfeeding Support Programs

110 Horizon Drive, Suite 210

Raleigh, NC 27615

(877) 452-5324

La Leche League

*5/24 In-person meetings in Tallahassee cancelled after Covid *Mother to mother breastfeeding support, information and encouragement *Volunteer leaders can also recommend local breastfeeding facebook sites and groups *Promotes understanding of breast feeding as important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother *Meetings held statewide by Zoom; call for more information

Services: Breastfeeding Support Programs

(954) 401-3652

Viewing 31-40 of 89 results (listed alphabetically Z - A)
