Information Services

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DCF, A Pathway to Prosperity

*DCF program that aids foster youth from the ages of 18-26 who will, or already have, aged out of foster care, in transitioning to becoming an independent adult *Connects foster youth with care navigators who provide resources in the area that help achieve economic self-sufficiency, special services for former foster youth, and resources that help young adults thrive in independence *Open to public benefit customers, pregnant mothers with substance use disorders, and parents who need assistance

Services: Case/Care Management, Economic Self Sufficiency Programs, Specialized Information and Referral

1317 Winewood Blvd, Bldg 1, Rm 202

Tallahassee, FL 32399

(850) 300-4673

Disability Rights Florida

*Statewide designated protection and advocacy system for individuals with disabilities in the State of Florida *Information and referrals *Investigates complaints of abuse, neglect and rights violations *Negotiation and mediation support *Equal access to public and private venues *Does not cover anything that is not DIRECTLY RELATED to an individual's disability *Helps with assistive technology *Call or go on line for intake *Serves the entire state of Florida

Services: Advocacy, Assistive Technology Equipment, Consumer Complaints, Disability Rights Groups, Representative Payee Services, Specialized Information and Referral

2473 Care Dr, Ste 200

Tallahassee, FL 32308

(800) 342-0823

DOEA, Elder Helplines

*Florida Department of Elder Affairs provides a statewide Elder Helpline for aging related information and referral to help elders, families, caregivers and persons with disabilities to make informed decisions regarding a large variety of services and activities *Florida Senior Legal Services Helpline allows increased access to legal advice and referrals for underserved Florida seniors

Services: General Legal Aid, Specialized Information and Referral

4040 Esplanade Way

Tallahassee, FL 32399

(800) 963-5337

DOEA, Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders (SHINE)

*Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders (SHINE) can be reached through Florida Elder Helpline *Trained volunteers provide free in-person and telephone information about Medicare, Medicaid, and other health insurance coverage including: Medicare supplements, long term care insurance, prescription assistance, filling out insurance forms, comparing insurance policies and interpreting health insurance documents *May call insurance companies on clients' behalf if needed *The eight Big Bend area counties are all covered by the Program Liaison in Tallahassee *Specific county counseling site locations and schedule are as follows: *Franklin - No counseling sites in this county at this time * Gadsden - No counseling sites in this county at this time *Jefferson - Jefferson County Senior Citizens Center; M-F, 9AM-3PM; walk-ins and appointments welcome; 850-342-0242 *Leon - Area Agency on Aging and Tallahassee Senior Center; M-F, 9AM - 4PM; by appointment only *Liberty - No counseling sites in this county at this time *Madison County Senior Center, M-F, by appointment only *Taylor County - Taylor Senior Citizens Center, times vary, make appointment with counselor *Wakulla County - No counseling sites in this county at this time

Services: Medicaid, Medicare, Specialized Information and Referral

4040 Esplande Way, Ste 270

Tallahassee, FL 32399

(800) 963-5337

DOE, Bureau of Braille and Talking Book Library Svcs

*Over two million books and magazines in Braille and in digital format available for loan *Digital format for persons unable to read, hold a book, or are dyslexic *Reading materials sent to and from customers via postage-free mail; services provided at no charge *Materials in Spanish available *Alternate method available through Audible Reading Download (BARD) *Call or apply on-line and place requests electronically

Services: Library Services, Visual/Reading Aids

421 Platt St

Daytona Beach, FL 32114

(800) 226-6075

Down Syndrome Association of Tallahassee (DSAT)

*Serving North Florida and South Georgia to provide information, education, support and resources to families who have children with Down Syndrome *Gives financial support to families with cost of speech, physical, occupational and music therapy through scholarships to families for tutoring, education, mentoring, recreational and medical purposes including assessment and planning *Member outreach including workshops, social gatherings, an online lending library, a newsletter, an annual calendar, emergency assistance, “Tribe Time” mothers’ group; and Down Syndrome Buddy Walk

Services: Health Care Referrals, Health/Disability Related Support Groups, Medical Care Expense Assistance, Medical Information Services, Special Education

No Office Location

Tallahassee, FL 32309

(850) 541-3981

Endometriosis Association Online

*Information about endometriosis educating public and conductingand promoting medical research *General questions and answers available viaphone, website, or e-mail at support@endometriosisassn.

Services: General Health Education Programs, Medical Information Services

8585 N 76th Place

Milwaukee, WI 53223

(800) 992-3636

Family Cafe, The

*Information and referral resource for individuals with disabilities and their families *Maintains network of state agencies, non-profit organizations and other service providers that serve the disabled *Organizes annual statewide disabilities networking and information conference *Produces annual Question and Answer publication that answers questions related to disabilities

Services: Disability Rights Groups, Specialized Information and Referral

713 East Park Avenue

Tallahassee, FL 32301

(850) 224-4670

FAMU, Center for Public Computing & Workforce Development (CPCWD)

*Offers free computer and internet access available to the general public *Offers computer software applications training, (Basic Computer Skills, MS Word, MS Excel, Website Design, and many more), and other topics that support workforce development; some courses free, some may have a small charge

Services: Computer Literacy Training Programs, Employment Preparation, Public Internet Access Sites

1600 Wanish Way

M S Thomas Building, Ste 100

Tallahassee, FL 32307

(850) 412-7474

FDVA, Florida Dept of Veterans Affairs

*Assists Florida's veterans, their families and survivors to improve their health and economic well-being through advocacy regarding benefit information, educational programs, and long term care service *Refers clients to appropriate veterans services, information and referral services are provided by phone and website, several Veteran Crisis Hotlines on the website to include 9-8-8 (24/7), COVID 19 updates and public health related issues *Coordinates programs with Governor's Office, Florida Legislature, and Florida Congressional Delegation

Services: Advocacy, Specialized Information and Referral, Veteran Benefits Assistance

11351 Ulmerton Rd, Ste 311-K

Largo, FL 33778

(727) 518-3202

Viewing 31-40 of 101 results (listed alphabetically A - Z)
