Viewing 41-43 of 43 results (listed by best match)

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Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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TMH, Physician Partners, Quincy

*Family and pediatric care, immunizations *Pregnancy testing, family planning, referrals for prenatal care *Confidential HIV and STD testing for primary care patients only *Chronic disease management *Persons wanting to become a patient must first fill out an application; new patients seen in about 30 days, ill patients in 1-2 days

Services: Birth Control, Confidential HIV Testing, Diabetes Management Clinics, General Medical Care, Immunizations, Medicaid, Pregnancy Testing, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening

178 LaSalle Leffall Dr

Quincy, FL 32351

(850) 875-3600

TMH, Physician Partners, Wakulla

*Family and pediatric care, immunizations *Pregnancy testing, family planning, referrals for prenatal care *Confidential HIV and STD testing for primary care patients only *Persons wanting to become a patient must first fill out an application; new patients seen in about 30 days, ill patients in 1-2 days

Services: Birth Control, Confidential HIV Testing, General Medical Care, Immunizations, Medicaid, Pregnancy Testing, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening

15 Council Moore Rd

Crawfordville, FL 32327

(850) 926-7105

USVA, Bay Pines VA Healthcare System, Infectious Disease Unit

*Veteran Affairs Clinic serving Health Care in the areas of: Primary Care, Specialty Clinics Mental Health Care, and Social Programs and Services (Caregiver Support, Homeless Veteran Care, LGBTQ - Veteran Care, Minority Veteran Care, Return To Work Care (from deployments)).

Services: AIDS Drug Assistance Programs, AIDS/HIV Clinics, Case/Care Management, Confidential HIV Testing, Prescription Expense Assistance, Veteran Outpatient Clinics

10000 Bay Pines Blvd

Bay Pines, FL 33744

(727) 398-6661 x16615

Viewing 41-43 of 43 results (listed by best match)
