Employment Assistance

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DISC Village, Residential Program Sisters In Sobriety (SIS)

*Residential treatment program offering voluntary or court ordered treatment for adult women aged 18 and older with a diagnosis of chemical dependency including individual counseling, group counseling, peer and family sessions, motivational interviewing, cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT), nutritional screening and counseling, education and vocation programs, case management, and incorporation of 12-step programs *Support services include: vocational assessments, job search assistance, job and life skills training, referral to adult education classes

Services: Detoxification, Employment Preparation, Life Skills Education, Medication Assisted Maintenance Treatment for Substance Use Disorders, Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities

2967 Natural Bridge Rd

Tallahassee, FL 32305

(850) 922-2360

DISC Village, Residential Transitional Housing Salvita House

*Transitional housing community, providing women 18 and older a minimum 2 month, voluntary stay in a step down opportunity to practice *Multifaceted holistic approach to services includes clinical assessment, treatment planning, case management, individual counseling, group therapy, dicharge planning and relapse prevention *Also offers support with practical aspects of re-entry such as job searches, vocational assessments, life skils training and adult education courses

Services: Case/Care Management, Employment Preparation, Life Skills Education, Medicaid, Relapse Prevention Programs, Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities

2967 Natural Bridge Rd

Tallahassee, FL 32305

(850) 922-2360

DMS, People First

*Job applicants can search and apply for state positions and maintain applications on website *Applicants do not have to be a state employee to access information

Services: Job Finding Assistance

Undisclosed address

Tallahassee, FL 32399

(877) 562-7287

DOEA, Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders (SHINE)

*Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders (SHINE) can be reached through Florida Elder Helpline *Trained volunteers provide free in-person and telephone information about Medicare, Medicaid, and other health insurance coverage including: Medicare supplements, long term care insurance, prescription assistance, filling out insurance forms, comparing insurance policies and interpreting health insurance documents *May call insurance companies on clients' behalf if needed *The eight Big Bend area counties are all covered by the Program Liaison in Tallahassee *Specific county counseling site locations and schedule are as follows: *Franklin - No counseling sites in this county at this time * Gadsden - No counseling sites in this county at this time *Jefferson - Jefferson County Senior Citizens Center; M-F, 9AM-3PM; walk-ins and appointments welcome; 850-342-0242 *Leon - Area Agency on Aging and Tallahassee Senior Center; M-F, 9AM - 4PM; by appointment only *Liberty - No counseling sites in this county at this time *Madison County Senior Center, M-F, by appointment only *Taylor County - Taylor Senior Citizens Center, times vary, make appointment with counselor *Wakulla County - No counseling sites in this county at this time

Services: Medicaid, Medicare, Specialized Information and Referral

4040 Esplande Way, Ste 270

Tallahassee, FL 32399

(800) 963-5337

DOE, Division of Blind Services, District 2

*Services to blind or visually impaired persons, or those with an illness which could cause blindness; some based on economic need *Children birth to 5: parent education, counseling, mobility training, social, sensory and cognitive development *School age children: family counseling, case management, educational experience and information *Youth at least 14: school to work programs involving daily living skills, self advocacy, work experience, and assistive technology *Adults (18-65): rehabilitation, counseling, medical eye assistance, vocational rehabilitation and job placement *Seniors (65+): non-vocational rehabilitation, counseling and daily living skills training *Braille and Talking Book Library services and referrals to community services for all ages

Services: Assistive Technology Information, Case/Care Management, Eye Care, Health/Disability Related Counseling, Independent Living Skills Instruction, Vocational Rehabilitation

3900 Commonwealth Blvd, Ste 351

Douglas Bldg

Tallahassee, FL 32399

(800) 672-7038

DOE, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Area 1

*Serves persons with physical or mental disabilities that interfere with their ability to work by preparing clients for employment offering: medical, psychological and work evaluation assessment; follow-up and assistance with accommodations; counseling, guidance, career planning, job coaching, and assistive technology; limited on-the-job training *Offers financial post secondary education at colleges, universities, technical and vocational schools *Can provide referrals to vocational rehabilitation offices anywhere in Florida

Services: College/University Entrance Support, Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs, Health/Disability Related Counseling, Student Financial Aid, Vocational Rehabilitation

325 W Gaines St, Ste 1144

Tallahassee, FL 32399

(850) 245-3399

Early Learning Coalition of NW Florida

*Information and referral for child care, after school programs, developmental assessments, early intervention for children with special needs, school readiness programs, and Voluntary Pre-K *Toll-free number and two regional offices serve seven county area *Parents can register for VPK and Child Care Assistance at www.

Services: Child Care Centers, Child Care Expense Assistance, Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays, Extended Child Care, Pediatric Developmental Assessment, Preschools

4636 Hwy 90, Ste P

Marianna, FL 32446

(866) 269-3022

Early Learning Coalition of the Big Bend

*Child Care Resource and Referral program assists families in locating child care providers in their area, offers consumer information on what to look for in a quality child care facility, and additional community resource information as needed *Child Care Tuition Assistance (School Readiness) Program provides tuition assistance to young children (ages birth to 12 years old) that allows them to be in a safe, conducive learning environment to prepare them to enter the school system allowing parents to work, knowing their children are in a positive educational environment.

Services: Child Care Centers, Child Care Expense Assistance, Eye Screening, Hearing Screening, Pediatric Developmental Screening, Preschools

2639 N Monroe Street, Bldg C

Tallahassee, FL 32303

(850) 385-0504


*VA website where Veterans and Service members can access and manage their VA records and other benefits *Some of the features within eBenefits allow Veterans and Service members to access official military personnel documents, view the status of their disability compensation claim, transfer entitlement of Post-9/11 GI Bill to eligible dependents (Service members only), and register for and update direct deposit information for certain benefits *Utilize the VetSuccess employment search engine (Military One Source Employee Assistance Program) *Before Veterans can access and use eBenefits they must be listed in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) and obtain a DS Logon (instructions on website) *Note: If Veterans attempt to register and are informed they have no DEERS record, VA will first need to verify their military service and add them to DEERS *All VA Regional Offices have staff familiar with procedures for adding a Veteran to DEERS

Services: Job Finding Assistance, Veteran Benefits Assistance, Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits

EBT Customer Service Line

*Provides information and answers questions or concerns for people with Food Stamps (aka SNAP) and/or TANF who already have an EBT Card (Electronics Benefits Transfer Card) *This is not a helpline to apply for or ask general questions about Food Stamps or TANF; it is only for people who have already received or should have received an EBT Card *Takes reports of lost or stolen cards; if EBT card is lost or stolen, a new card can also be requested by logging into account on website *Benefits can be cancelled from website

Services: Food Stamps/SNAP, TANF

PO Box 1770

Ocala, FL 34478

(888) 356-3281

Viewing 41-50 of 141 results (listed by best match)
