Information Services

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FL DOH, Franklin, Franklin and Gulf Health Hub

*Resource directory for Franklin and Gulf counties: https://gulffranklin.

Services: Comprehensive Information and Referral

139 12th St

Apalachicola, FL 32320

(850) 227-4193

Florida Cleft and Craniofacial Network

*Toll-free helpline for parents, pregnant women, professionals, or anyone with concerns or questions about cleft palate, cleft lip or other craniofacial differences *Information and referrals to assist in communication between parents of infants and hospitals, health professionals and other families *Free infant bottles and other feeding supplies for babies with craniofacial differences while supplies last *Seminars on the topics of nursing care and feeding techniques for parents and professionals *Summer camps for children *See web site for district offices and connections

Services: Cleft Lip/Palate Clinics, General Health Education Programs, Health Care Referrals, Health/Disability Related Counseling, Medical Information Services

1699 SW 16 Ave

UF Dept of Pediatrics

Gainesville, FL 32608

(800) 726-2029

Florida Dept of Health, Diseases and Conditions

*Serves as the central point for reporting and disseminating disease information to provide guidance to local health departments; oversees information and data collection of various diseases and conditions *Monkeypox (Mpox): https://www.

Services: Disease/Disability Information, Medical Information Services

2585 Merchants Row Blvd

Tallahassee, FL 32399

(850) 245-4401

Florida Dept of Health, HIV/AIDS Section

*Provides information and referral for HIV testing, education, case management, ADAP, HOPWA, HIV medical treatment, surveillance, data and any other assistance related to HIV and AIDS

Services: Medical Information Services

4025 Esplanade Way

Tallahassee, FL 32399

(850) 245-4334

Florida DOS, State Library and Archives

*Online catalog and searchable indexes to Florida Room material, Ask-a-Librarian e-mail reference service, and library policies *Online access to State Archives of Florida which oversees management of state and local government records throughout their life cycle *Coordinates and helps fund activities of public libraries' initiatives and enhance children's use of libraries *Provides published and unpublished history of Florida government, culture and people.

Services: Library Services

500 S Bronough St

Tallahassee, FL 32399

(850) 245-6719

Florida DOT, My Florida 511

*Real-time, traffic information: commuter travel times, congestion, construction, lane closures, severe weather and emergency evacuation information on all Florida interstate highways, toll roads including Florida's Turnpike and other metropolitan roadways *Available 24/7 via phone by dialing 511, or via www.

Services: Traffic Bulletins/Information, Travelers Assistance

605 Suwannee St, MS #90

Tallahassee, FL 32399


Florida State Information Center

*Information line and searchable website for Florida state agencies and programs *Website may be searched in several different ways for persons who may not know the name of the agency they are looking for

Services: Directory Assistance, Government Information Services

The Capitol, 400 S Monroe St - PL1901

Tallahassee, FL 32399

(850) 488-1234

Florida Veterans Support Line

*Veterans and families are able to talk to a trained specialist for counseling and community resources *Comprehensive information and referral to VA-funded services and hundreds of community based services *Assistance and support provided by a peer who has experienced the transition from military back to civilian life *Care coordination services including system navigation, advocacy and ongoing support

Services: Peer Counseling, Specialized Information and Referral, Suicide Counseling, Veteran Reintegration Counseling

One Crisis Center Plaza

Tampa, FL 33613

(844) 693-5838

Franklin County Public Library

*Library services: books, reference materials, internet access, books on CD, meeting rooms, children's library, story hour, laminating, fax, scanning *Programs for all ages promoting reading *Other location: 311 St James Ave, Carrabelle *Both libraries will assist with applying on-line for Food Stamps, Medicaid, and employment when time permits

Services: Library Services, Public Internet Access Sites

160 Hickory Dip Rd

Eastpoint, FL 32328

(850) 697-2366

FSU, Black Student Union

*Create awareness to the total university community about issues relating to Black culture through its sponsorship and involvement in programs on campus *Develop unity among the Black students so that jointly and strongly they can express concerns and problems faced on campus *Promote and provide for the social welfare of the Black Student Body

Services: Colleges/Universities, Cultural Heritage Programs, Outreach Programs, Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups

921 W Jefferson St.

Tallahassee, FL 32306

(850) 644-1815

Viewing 41-50 of 101 results (listed alphabetically A - Z)
