Information Services

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Institute for Nonprofit Innovation and Excellence

*Education and training programs for nonprofit agencies' leadership *Targeting board recruitment, jobs, involvement and oversight duties *Fundraising program education and pro bono legal services

Services: Charities/Grantmaking Organizations, Fundraising and Resource Development Support, Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups

300 W. Pensacola St

Tallahassee, FL 32301

(850) 201-9766

International OCD Foundation

*Organization made up of people with OCD and related disorders, their families, friends, professional, and others *Callers may visit web site or call for information about treatment and support groups *Educates public and professionals about OCD; advocates and lobbies for OCD community and related disorders *Supports research into causes of, and effective treatments for OCD and related disorders *Seeks to improve access to resources for people with OCD and their families

Services: Medical Information Services

18 Tremont St

Boston, MA 02108

(617) 973-5801

Jefferson County RJ Bailar Public Library

*Library services cover 40,000+ books, magazines, CD's, DVD's, audio collection *Two computer labs available with 27 units with free internet access *Summer reading program for children and adolescents *Video documentary program for adults *Literacy programs available *Gentle therapy dogs to whom children read aloud monthly on Saturday

Services: Library Services, Literacy Programs, Volunteer Opportunities

375 S Water St

Monticello, FL 32344

(850) 342-0205

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF)

*Provides information about living with Type 1 diabetes *Questions answered on-line or by phone *Promotes national fund-raising campaign for search for cure for Type 1 diabetes and its complications *North Florida Chapter: 1850 Lee Rd, Ste 132, Winter Park FL, 32789

Services: Medical Information Services

200 Vesey St, 28th Floor

New York, NY 10281

(800) 533-2873

Kids Get Arthritis Too

*Family education programs on children's arthritis, managing daily life and school *Free literature and information, help finding a pediatric rheumatologist, camps, conferences and events

Services: Arthritis Treatment Centers, Medical Information Services, Pediatrics

1355 Peachtree St, Ste 600

Atlanta, GA 30309

(800) 283-7800

Learning Ally

*Provides audiobooks, including school textbooks, to dyslexic, blind or visually impaired students, parents, families, and educators *Through a grant, all public schools in Florida have free access to these publications; individuals pay for the service ($135 per year)

Services: Reading Services for People With Disabilities, Special Education, Student Disability Services

20 Roszel Rd

Princeton, NJ 08540

(800) 221-4792

Leon County Public Library

*General library services: books, media materials for check out including CDs, DVD's, audio books, magazines, reference resources *Children's library services: "Baby Time", for children 0-30 months, children's story time for 3-5 years *Homework Hub: a free after school program for K-8th grade students that offers academic tutoring services from volunteers via Zoom on a variety of subjects *Meeting rooms, Adult Literacy Program, English as a Second Language, computers with internet access and an on-line database of magazines, newspapers and charitable organizations *Reference desk area has file on clubs and civic organizations *Branches: *Lake Jackson, 3840-300 N Monroe St, Huntington Oaks Plaza *Northeast, 5513 Thomasville Rd *Dr B L Perry, Jr, 2817 S Adams St *Fort Braden, 16327 Blountstown Hwy *Eastside, 1583 Pedrick Rd *Woodville, 8000 Old Woodville Rd *Not all branches have similar, extensive services; call to verify

Services: English as a Second Language, Library Services, Literacy Programs, Public Internet Access Sites, Tutoring Services, Volunteer Opportunities

200 W Park Ave

Tallahassee, FL 32301

(850) 606-2665

Leon County Public Library, Disabilities Assistance

*Assistance for persons with disabilities in using library materials *For mobility-related disabilities, Main Library and branch libraries are wheelchair accessible and some have manual wheelchairs available *Various forms of assistance also available for people with hearing, speech, or vision impairments *Branch Office Numbers: Lake Jackson, (850) 606-2850; Northeast Branch, (850) 606-2800; Eastside Branch, (850) 606-2750; Dr B L Perry, Jr Branch, (850) 606-2950; Fort Braden Branch, (850) 606-2900; Woodville Branch (850) 606-2925

Services: Hearing Augmentation Aids, Library Services, Mobility Aids, Visual/Reading Aids, Volunteer Opportunities

200 W Park Ave

Tallahassee, FL 32301

(850) 606-2665

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Northern & Central FL Chapter

*Information about blood cancers including leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma, phone, live chat or email *Patient education, treatment options, manage side-effects and resources *Peer to peer support groups *Raises funds to support research, patient services, advocacy

Services: Medical Information Services, Peer Counseling

301 W. Platt St #A398

Tampa, FL 33606

(813) 963-6461

Madison Public Library

*Part of the Suwanee River Regional Library System which serves Madison, Hamilton, and Suwannee Counties *Materials/services include books to be checked out for 3 weeks, magazines and CD's, books-on-tape/CD's, reference services, programs for children and adults, online databases, monthly calendar events, fax services, and a teen area *Branches located in Lee, 7883 E US Hwy 90, 32059 and Greenville, 1325 SW Main St, 32331 *Staff may help internet users get to the correct site to apply for Medicaid, Food Stamps, TANF and unemployment, but cannot help input information due to privacy issues

Services: Library Services, Public Internet Access Sites

378 NW College Loop

Madison, FL 32340

(850) 973-6814

Viewing 61-70 of 101 results (listed by best match)
