Information Services

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Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, Inc

*National helpline offers assistance programs: funding for services, assistive technology, quality of life goods or services and health and wellness information *Support: referrals, on-line communities; telephone support groups; friendly phone calls *Information to help cope with MS, wellness programs, publications, comprehensive web site, monthly internet newsletter *Listen to entire message to choose correct extension

Services: Health/Disability Related Support Groups, Medical Care Expense Assistance, Medical Information Services

6520 N Andrews Ave

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

(888) 673-6287

Muscular Dystrophy Association

*Referrals for diagnosis and medical management for persons with neuro-muscular disorders including muscular distrophy and ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease): care centers in Miami, Gainesville (x2), St Petersburg, Tampa, Sarasota, Orlando, Jacksonville *Loan orthopedic equipment, wheelchairs, mobility aids, physical and occupational therapy, plus information and referral regarding neuro-muscular disorders, support groups and recreational opportunities *One week summer camp for children with muscular dystrophy ages 8-17 offered at Umatilla, FL

Services: Camps, Health/Disability Related Support Groups, Medical Information Services, Mobility Aids, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy

4500 San Pablo Rd S, 2nd Floor

Jacksonville, FL 32244

(904) 953-6869

National Cancer Institute Hotline

*Information on cancer: prevention, treatment options and resources; clinical trials information; "Quit smoking" information, referrals and counseling available by phone, LiveHelp Online Chat, email *Some referrals may be available for screening, diagnosis and treatment

Services: Clinical Trials, Medical Information Services, Smoking/Vaping Cessation

9609 Medical Ctr Dr

Rockville, MD 20850

(800) 422-6237

National Federation of the Blind, Florida

*Florida office includes several local chapters throughout the state *Offers information about NFB programs, scholarships, talking digital library for on-line news, cell phone app for reading printed text, braille literacy and reading clubs, improvement in lives of aging seniors, importance of family support *Tracks legislation and advocates

Services: General Health Education Programs, Specialized Information and Referral

12603 Blue Roan Ct, Apt 101

Tampa, FL 33625

(813) 390-5720

National Health Information Center (NHIC)

*NHIC (National Health information Center) helps connect health professionals and consumers to the organizations that can best answer their questions by providing up-to-date contact information for the most reliable resources via the Federal Health Information Centers and Clearinghouse - a nationwide searchable database by health topic or organization name that gives information and contact information for thousands of health resources *Tracks NHOs (National Health Observances - special days, weeks, or months dedicated to promoting important health topics to educate the public about health risks and organize successful health promotion events and campaigns *Does not provide referrals to specific health care providers

Services: Disease/Disability Information, General Health Education Programs, Medical Information Services

1101 Wootton Pkwy, Ste LL100

Rockville, MD 20852

(301) 565-4167

National HIV/AIDS Clinician's Consultation Lines

*Program is ONLY for health care providers *Information/Consultation lines, federally funded service, offers physicians and other health care providers latest HIV clinical information and individualized expert case consultation across broad range of clinical HIV/AIDS issues including PrEP, PEP and Perinatal HIV *Staffed by clinicians experienced in HIV treatment to help provide best possible data for HIV-positive patients; connect with training and education resources *Health professionals may submit a case on-line or request a phone consultation *Voice mail available 24/7, most questions answered within two hours

Services: Medical Information Services

1001 Potrero Ave, Bldg 20, Ward 22

San Francisco General Hospital

San Francisco, CA 94110

(800) 933-3413

National Institute Allergy/Infectious Diseases

*Conducts and supports research to understand, treat and prevent allergic, immunologic and infectious diseases *HIV and other clinical trials available in some areas *Offers information on many diseases such as those associated with HIV/AIDS and other STDs, asthma and allergies, radiation exposure, genetics and transplants, and tropical illness *Does not give medical advice

Services: Clinical Trials, Medical and Health Sciences Research, Medical Information Services

5601 Fishers Lane, MSC-9806

Bethesda, MD 20892

(866) 284-4107

National Lead Center Hotline, Reg 4, Atlanta

*Provides the general public and professionals with information about lead found in the environment and prevention of lead poisoning and other adverse health effects *Visit website to receive a general information packet, to order other documents, or for detailed information or questions *Region 4, Atlanta office, covers Florida

Services: Environmental Hazards Information, General Health Education Programs, Medical Information Services

61 Forsyth St, SW Suite #9T25

Atlanta, GA 30303

(800) 241-1754

National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc

*NORD: federation of voluntary health organizations dedicated to helping people with rare "orphan" diseases and assisting organizations that serve them *Information and resources for doctors, insurance, financial help, clinical trials and connection with others suffering from same disease *Provides advocacy and information about support groups *Administers medication assistance programs to help uninsured or under-insured individuals in securing life-saving or life-sustaining medications

Services: Clinical Trials, Medical Information Services, Prescription Expense Assistance

55 Kenosia Ave

Danbury, CT 06810

(203) 744-0100

Natl Assn/Anorexia Nervosa & Associated Disorders

*Helpline and email for individuals struggling with eating disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating *Call or email anadhelp@anad.

Services: Eating Disorders Treatment, General Health Education Programs, Medical Information Services

(888) 375-7767

Viewing 71-80 of 101 results (listed by best match)
