Information Services

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Operation Hope, National Call Center

*Offers information, referrals and counseling related to the following concerns: *Financial disaster recovery after a natural or man made disaster; Mortgage foreclosure counseling: negotiating with lender; how to apply for loan modifications; avoiding foreclosure; Restructuring existing debt and obligations; How to sell a house and purchase an affordable home *Serve adults, youth, disaster survivors, and employees with financial dignity programming and coaching to equip them with the financial knowledge and tools to create a secure future *Programs include Credit and Money Management, Home Ownership, Small Business Development, Employee Financial Wellness, Youth Financial Literacy, Yuuth Entrepreneurship, Youth Job Skills, Financial Disaster Recovery *All programs and services are offered at no cost to the client

Services: Credit Counseling, Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling, Personal Financial Counseling, Specialized Information and Referral

191 Peachtree St NE


Atlanta, GA 30303

(888) 388-4673

Postpartum Support International, Perinatal Psychiatric Consult Line

**Consult line is for Medical Providers ONLY** *Line that offers free of cost consultation to medical providers for questions related to pregnant and postpartum patients and pre-conception planning *Line is staffed with reproductive psychiatrists who specialize in treatment of perinatal mood disorders *Can also schedule an appointment by filling out a form on website

Services: Medical Information Services, Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders Treatment

6706 SW 54th Ave

Portland, OR 97219

(800) 944-4773 x4

SHARE Cancer Support

*Provides support, information, education and advocacy for anyone affected by breast, ovarian, uterine, cervical or metastatic breast cancers *Dial main number and choose correct option; helplines available in English and Spanish, translators available for other languages *Online educational courses via Zoom available by registering through the website *Online support groups available in English, Japanese and Spanish for persons with diagnosis of eligible cancers, see website for more information

Services: Disease/Disability Information, Medical Information Services

165 West 46th St, Ste 712

New York, NY 10036

(844) 275-7427

Sickle Cell Foundation, Inc

*Provides free sickle cell trait screenings *Counseling (by appointment) for persons with sickle cell disease and/or family or caretakers *Case management *Financial assistance for prescription medicines relating to sickle cell *Transportation to medical centers *Summer camps for children with sickle cell disease *Peer Support Group meetings held each month; call for times and locations

Services: Camps, Health/Disability Related Support Groups, Medical Information Services, Prescription Expense Assistance

1336 Vickers Rd

Tallahassee, FL 32303

(850) 222-2355

Solve ME/CFS Health Initiative

*Primarily a website referral *Website offers detailed information about Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), also known chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome (CFIDS), a complex and debilitating chronic disease with a serious impact on one's quality of life by affecting the brain and multiple body systems *Lists symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, important research findings and how it affects the lives of those who live with it everyday *Provides a navigation system for Symptom Tracking, Securing your Personal Support System, Resources for Caregivers, Finding a Doctor, Work, School, and Finances, Post Exertional Malaise (PEM) and Pacing, Mental Health, Children and Teens with ME/CFS or Long COVID, Resources from Partners *Offers a webinar series, free publications and various support groups along with National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK(8255)

Services: Disease/Disability Information, Medical Information Services

350 N Glendale Ave

Suite B 368

Glendale, CA 91206

(704) 364-0016

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

*Federal hotline and web sites to find outpatient, inpatient, and residential substance abuse and mental health treatment centers nationwide for adolescents and adults including listings for state and local helplines, support groups, self-help, military and children *Findtreatment.

Services: Disaster Service Centers/Hotlines, Mental Health Information/Education, Specialized Information and Referral, Substance Use Disorder Hotlines, Suicide Prevention Hotlines

5600 Fishers Ln

Rockville, MD 20857

(800) 662-4357

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Alliance

*Offers training and education to end preventable stillbirths and sleep-related infant deaths *Sleep education campaigns for parents, grandparents and care providers *Bereavement counseling for families

Services: Bereaved Parent Support Groups, Bereavement and Grief Counseling, Medical Information Services

21 Locust Avenue, Suite 2B

New Canaan, CT 06840

(800) 221-7437

Susan G Komen For The Cure

*Information and education about breast health, breast cancer, screening and diagnosis methods, treatment options and clinical trials either by calling or visiting website *NO direct financial assistance, but can provide referrals for various financial assistance and support services for anyone affected by breast cancer *Helpline staffed by trained specialists and oncology social workers *Information provided about clinical trials including when to consider a trial, how to find a trial, what to expect *The helpline can also be reached by email at helpline@komen.

Services: Health/Disability Related Support Groups, Medical Information Services

13770 Noel Road, Ste 801889

Dallas, TX 75380

(877) 465-6636

Tallahassee, City Dept of Communications

*Provides information to residents and media on city government and services; sends e-mails for various information on city commission agendas to job openings to city news releases and more *Produces city's utility bill insert, "Insight", oversees city's web site, facebook and twitter @cotnews, Talgov.

Services: Government Information Services, Planning/Coordinating/Advisory Groups

300 S Adams St

Tallahassee, FL 32301

(850) 891-8533

Taylor County Public Library

*Library services, Interlibrary loan of books and other materials, public access to internet, summer reading programs, children's programs and meeting rooms *Outreach for homebound delivery, pickup or mailing of materials and fax services

Services: Library Services

403 N Washington St

Perry, FL 32347

(850) 838-3512

Viewing 81-90 of 101 results (listed by best match)
