Brehon Family Services, Brehon House


(850) 656-7110 x2


Formerly Serenity Shores


*Non-Emergency transitional housing for homeless, adult pregnant women and women with infants up to age 3 (without criminal background) on first come, first serve basis for 6 to 9 months; waiting period may be several months)
*Pre and postnatal education, infant care training, case management
*Career counseling, encouragement to continue schooling, assistance in finding permanent housing
*May help with baby or maternity items on a limited basis

Intake Process:

Call or get housing application form online

Program Fees:





Homeless, adult, pregnant women or women with infants up to age 3

Handicap Accessible?


Is Shelter?


Related Resource

Date of Official Change:

August 8, 2024


Link to Amazon Wishlist on Website, always in need of diapers, wipes, and cleaning products.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Call Deputy Director to discuss interests and needs

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