Anchorage Children's Home


2121 Lisenby Ave
Panama City, FL 32405

(850) 763-7102


Hannah's House


*Hannah's House: maternity home for homeless pregnant women 16-22, offering time to complete education and prepare for employment while choosing to parent or offer child for adoption
*Hidle House: short-term, crisis/runaway shelter for ages 10-17
*The Bridge: transitional living program for homeless youth ages 16-22, offering stable living for up to 18 months focusing on assisting residents in completing their education, secure employment, and preparing for self sufficiency
*Family Counseling: A short term, 12 week free service to youth ages 6-17 and their families involving assessment, counseling, referral, and case management services

Intake Process:

Call or come in

Program Fees:



English, Spanish


See description

Is Shelter?


Date of Official Change:

January 17, 2024

Address Listings


2121 Lisenby Ave
Panama City, FL 32405

Physical (Primary)

2121 Lisenby Ave
Panama City, FL 32405


Legal Status:


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