Apalachee Center, Madison County Clinic


225 Sumatra Rd
Madison, FL 32340

(850) 973-5124



Apalachee Center, ACHS


*Outpatient mental health services for Madison County residents including primary care, mental health evaluations, case management, medication management, psychosocial rehabilitation and psychiatric assessments for individuals, families and groups ages 6 through adults
*Fees depend on patient needs and services; accepts most insurances, Medicaid, Medicare, and has an income based sliding scale for those who are uninsured

Intake Process:

Call Evaluations and Admissions Line

Program Fees:

Fees depend on patient needs and services; accepts most insurances, Medicaid, Medicare, and has an income based sliding scale for those who are uninsured




Anyone over the age of 6 in Madison County in need of mental health treatment

Handicap Accessible?


Is Shelter?


Related Resource

Date of Official Change:

May 10, 2024

Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

225 Sumatra Rd
Madison, FL 32340


225 Sumatra Rd
Madison, FL 32340

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