Legal Services of North Florida, Tallahassee


2119 Delta Blvd
Tallahassee, FL 32303

(850) 385-9007




*Provides representation to low-income (based on family income) and vulnerable individuals in civil matters including: evictions and other landlord/tenant or housing problems; rental Assistance Programs such as DCF, Our Florida; Public assistance benefits such as Unemployment assistance, SSI, SSDI, Food Stamps, and others; disaster relief for those who have suffered resulting legal problems including evictions, FEMA and insurance appeals, unemployment assistance, contractor fraud; family law including abuse, divorce, child custody and support, paternity, name change; consumer law, elder law, tax law, victim's rights
*Qualification is based on family income and type/details of legal assistance needed
*Justice on the Block legal clinics: offered on an as needed/as requested basis in various counties served; examples include navigating Rental Assistance Programs and Disaster Legal Help; see for a monthly calendar of legal clinics
*CIVIL MATTERS ONLY, no criminal, traffic violation or personal injury cases handled

Intake Process:

Call or apply online

Program Fees:

None for legal services; filing fees and other costs may apply


English, Spanish Creole


Must meet income requirements for legal assistance; no criminal cases; anyone may attend Justice on the Block legal clinics

Handicap Accessible?


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Date of Official Change:

January 31, 2024

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