Leon County Schools, Exceptional Student Education
*Offers specialized educational services for toddlers, children, and adults with exceptional needs
*3 to 5 years, provides developmentally appropriate educational programs at settings such as private child care centers and Leon County schools
*Kindergarten to grade 12 and Adult and Community Education: provides instruction and related services based on individual needs of students
*Programs include Educational and psychological testing services provided to public school students for purposes of identifying exceptional educational needs as defined by State of Florida, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Dual Sensory Impaired (Deaf-Blind), Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities, Gifted, Homebound or Hospitalized, Intellectual Disabilities, Specific Learning Disabilities, Speech or Language Impaired, and Visually Impaired
*Individual Education Plans (IEP) developed as required
*Related services may be designed for persons needing transportation, various therapies, counseling and medical services as may be required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education
*McKay Scholarship information
Services: Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays, Gifted Education, School Placement Services, Special Education, Student Disability Services