Marine For Life Network
*Connects Marines transitioning out of service and their family members to employment, education and community resources
*Assists transitioning Marines and veterans seeking long term careers with resources outside miliitary education benefits including over 30 program tracks with industry recognized credentials, comprehensive career coaching and job placement services, professional certificate programs available to those who qualify
*Provides job specific interviews, comprehensive career coaching and job placement services along with several Recruit Military Career Fairs and networking events connecting veterans and transitioning Marines to potential employers
Active Duty military member (and spouse) who are 6 months away from being discharged from military active duty service with an honorable discharge
Any veteran with an honorable discharge status, and their spouses
National Guard/Reservists and spouses are eligible if they are an active member on a part-time status
Services: College/University Entrance Support, Employment Preparation, Military Student Transition Assistance, Military Transition Assistance Programs, Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits, Veteran Employment Programs