Divine Mercy House


4118 Loretto Rd
Jacksonville, FL 32223

(904) 268-6282



*Christian maternity home (4 beds) for women off all faiths 18 years or older facing a crisis pregnancy and carrying their baby to term to raise or place for adoption; residency available to women after their first trimester and usually continues until six to eight months postpartum; includes a private, furnished bedroom with shared bathroom, personal supplies for mom and baby, laundry room, electric, water, internet, kitchen, dining room and transportation
*Attendance is required at morning prayer and weekly worship; residents will attend and participate in all group activities such as life skill classes, nursing/parenting classes, Junior Achievement programs, counseling, weekly worship services, educational and recreational activities and any volunteer or special events offered; residents will earn a GED or and/or complete vocational coursework as well as participate in assigned household duties unless a resident has received an excused absence due to a medical or emergency situation
*Initial screening will include a drug screening and background check (free of charge), new residents will undergo a 30-day probation period, which includes surrender of personal cell phone and access to vehicle, abstinence from alcohol, drugs, sexual activity and tobacco, which will remain in effect throughout the program; and a drug test which can be repeated at any time during residency
*Residents must disclose and submit all financial information to the staff and will be required to submit all money which will be handled as follows: one-third will be used to support the house; one-third will be returned to the resident when she exits the program, and one-third will be retained by the resident for personal use; if it is determined a resident has withheld money or financial information during residency it will be considered cause for immediate dismissal

Intake Process:

Visit website

Program Fees:

Please see description for rule of thirds on how resident's income will be used




Women of all faiths over the age of 18 facing a crisis pregnancy and carrying their baby to term to raise or place for adoption

Handicap Accessible?


Is Shelter?


Related Resource

Date of Official Change:

August 14, 2024

Volunteer Opportunities:


Phone Numbers

1. Main Number

(904) 268-6282


*Christian maternity home (4 beds) for women off all faiths over the age of 18 facing a crisis pregnancy and carrying their baby to term to raise or place for adoption; residency available to women after their first trimester and usually continues until six to eight months postpartum; includes a private, furnished bedroom with shared bathroom, personal supplies for mom and baby, laundry room, electric, water, internet, kitchen, dining room and transportation *Attendance is required at morning prayer and weekly worship; residents will attend and participate in all group activities such as life skill classes, nursing/parenting classes, Junior Achievement programs, counseling, weekly worship services, educational and recreational activities and any volunteer or special events offered; residents will earn a GED or and/or complete vocational coursework as well as participate in assigned household duties unless a resident has received an excused absence due to a medical or emergency situation *Initial screening will include a drug screening and background check (free of charge), new residents will undergo a 30-day probation period, which includes surrender of personal cell phone and access to vehicle, abstinence from alcohol, drugs, sexual activity and tobacco, which will remain in effect throughout the program; and a drug test which can be repeated at any time during residency *Residents must disclose and submit all financial information to the staff and will be required to submit all money which will be handled as follows: one-third will be used to support the house; one-third will be returned to the resident when she exits the program, and one-third will be retained by the resident for personal use; if it is determined a resident has withheld money or financial information during residency it will be considered cause for immediate dismissal


Office Hours 9AM-6PM, M-F

Required Documents



Women off all faiths over the age of 18 facing a crisis pregnancy and carrying their baby to term to raise or place for adoption


Please see description for rule of thirds on how resident's income will be used

Intake Procedure

Call to receive application or go to contact page on website



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  • Florida
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