Positive Behavior Supports Corporation


(855) 832-6727 x2&1



PBS, ABA (applied behavior analysis), [DCF14]


COVID 19 Update - Modified intake and therapies to use video wherever possible

*Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention offering individualized, research-based processes using principles of applied behavior analysis and person and family-centered practices
*Provides in-home and in-school applied analysis (ABA) and therapy to children with autism spectrum disorder
*To request services, complete the on-line Request for Services form

Intake Process:

Call; visit website to request services

Program Fees:

Medicaid, Medicare, other insurance, sliding scale fee if no insurance


English, Spanish, translator available


Children that meet diagnosis criteria and have a prescription for ABA therapy (if insured)

Is Shelter?


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Date of Official Change:

June 30, 2021

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