Florida Dept of Health, Brain & Spinal Cord Injury Registry
*Provides eligible Florida residents who sustain a traumatic brain or spinal cord injury the opportunity to obtain the necessary services that will optimize their level of functioning
*Case management, rehabilitation, transitional living, assistive technology, mobility aids, daily living aids, home and vehicle modifications, nursing home transition facilitation, long-term supports and resource referral services for those with or affected by brain or spinal cord injuries
*Florida Statutes requires that all hospitals, attending physicians, public, private, or social agencies refer all new traumatic moderate-to-severe brain or spinal cord injuries to the Central Registry, anyone who was not referred by a medical professional may self refer by calling into the Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Program's (BSCIP) Central Registry toll free number or faxing in to the central registry using the form found on the website at http://www.
Services: Brain Injury Assessment, Condition Specific Rehabilitation Services, Daily Living Aids, Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services, Mobility Aids, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy