Dennard, Dana, Ph.D (PY4144)


812 S. Macomb Street
Tallahassee, FL 32301

(850) 321-4505


*Licensed Psychologist (PY4144) currently accepting new patients in an office which is accessible and can be reached by public transportation
*First Meeting $100; subsequent meetings are on a sliding scale starting at $50 per session; Students are $50 standard fee; insurance not accepted
*Treats infants through adults as individuals, couples, families, and groups in person and by video (telemental health); specialty treatment areas include general anxiety and depression, substance abuse/addiction, racial anxiety and trauma, marriage and relationships, parenting, assessments and expert testimony, also offers hypnotherapies
*Therapist is male, English Speaking, African American/Native American & cannot prescribe patient's medications

Intake Process:

Call or eamil

Program Fees:

First Meeting $100; subsequent meetings are on a sliding scale starting at $50 per session; Students are $50 standard fee; insurance not accepted



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Date of Official Change:

June 21, 2023

Employer ID:


Address Listings


812 S. Macomb Street
Tallahassee, FL 32301

Physical (Primary)

812 S. Macomb Street
Tallahassee, FL 32301

Legal Status:

Private, Nonprofit

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