DISC Village, Outpatient Adult Services
*Outpatient services in person or by video (telemental health) for mental health issues and substance misusing adults ages 18 and over and their families include who voluntarily self-referral or as requirement for probation/parole; federally required to give preference in admitting individuals into treatment as follows: women that are pregnant and experiencing issues with substances and/or using intravenous methods of substance misuse or anyone that misuses substances intravenously
*Services include assessment, outpatient counseling, intensive outpatient counseling (IOP), case management, referrals and specialized counseling for intensive mental health treatment including prescribing and managing medications
*Fees for services are assessed on a sliding scale based on household income; in-network provider for Medicaid services; assistance available in completing private insurance claims
*Human service centers throughout the Big Bend area serve all eight counties; telemental health appointments by online counseling available for persons living outside of Leon County
*Franklin: 150 10th Street Apalachicola, FL 32320
*Gadsden: 305-B W Crawford St, Quincy, 32351
*Madison:1476 SW Main Street Greenville, 32331
*Taylor: 1012 S Jefferson St, Perry, 32348
*Wakulla: 85 High Dr, Crawfordville, 32326
Services: Assessment for Substance Use Disorders, Mental Health Assessment and Treatment, Mental Health Evaluation, Outpatient Mental Health Facilities, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Substance Use Disorder Education/Prevention, Telemental Health