Wigs for Kids


24231 Center Ridge Rd
Westlake, OH 44145-4211

(440) 333-4433



*Provides hair replacement solutions for children, under 18, affected by hair loss due to alopecia, chemotherapy, burns, and other medical conditions; must be referred by a medical professional
*See web site for steps in applying for a wig
*No cost to child/family; recipient can apply again the following year for a new hairpiece if the need still exists; Wigs For Kids provides one hairpiece per child per year free of charge to the recipient family pending approval of the application
*Donated hair must be clean, dry, minimum length of 12 inches, in braids or ponytails; can not be colored or permed or have any other chemical treatments; can be cut at local salon, placed in plastic bag and mailed to address listed; see web site for directions

Intake Process:

Complete application form, (by phone or available online)

Program Fees:





Children experiencing hair loss due to illness and recommended by doctor

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Date of Official Change:

June 20, 2024

Geographies Served

  • Serves All Areas

Phone Numbers

1. Main Number

(440) 333-4433


Provides hair replacement solutions for children, under 18, affected by hair loss due to alopecia, chemotherapy, burns, and other medical conditions; must be referred by a medical professional *See web site for steps in applying for a wig *No cost to child/family; recipient can apply again the following year for a new hairpiece if the need still exists; Wigs For Kids provides one hairpiece per child per year free of charge to the recipient family pending approval of the application *Donated hair must be clean, dry, minimum length of 12 inches, in braids or ponytails; can not be colored or permed or have any other chemical treatments; can be cut at local salon, placed in plastic bag and mailed to address listed; see web site for directions


9am-5pm, M-F

Required Documents

Patient application, doctor's referral, photo of child, proof of age


Children under 18 experiencing hair loss due to medical circumstances and referred by a doctor



Intake Procedure

Complete application form, (by phone or available online)



Service Area

All Areas

Geography Served

    If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

    Serves all areas

Edit Service DetailsClick here to see this service (TI-1800) and related services within the Service Tree.


Provides hair replacement solutions for children, under 18, affected by hair loss due to alopecia, chemotherapy, burns, and other medical conditions; must be referred by a medical professional *See web site for steps in applying for a wig *No cost to child/family; recipient can apply again the following year for a new hairpiece if the need still exists; Wigs For Kids provides one hairpiece per child per year free of charge to the recipient family pending approval of the application *Donated hair must be clean, dry, minimum length of 12 inches, in braids or ponytails; can not be colored or permed or have any other chemical treatments; can be cut at local salon, placed in plastic bag and mailed to address listed; see web site for directions


9am-5pm, M-F

Required Documents

Patient application, doctor's referral, photo of child, proof of age


Children under 18 experiencing hair loss due to medical circumstances and referred by a doctor



Intake Procedure

Complete application form, (by phone or available online)



Service Area

All Areas

Geography Served

    If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

    Serves all areas

Edit Service DetailsClick here to see this service (LH-0600.6500-950) and related services within the Service Tree.

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