Woodlands New Life Center, C.A.M.P.


Confidential Location
Tallahassee, FL 32312

(850) 574-2267



Compulsive Addiction Mending Program


*Compulsive Addictions Mending Program (C.A.M.P.); Residential program for men based on bible study and the 12 step program for overcoming substance abuse/addiction, may come of own accord or be court-ordered; located in Tallahassee, has community center for program participates to socialize safely and take classes offered; usual stay is 12 months
*Assists in job finding and other skills to maintain sobriety and eventually independent living
*No drugs or alcohol allowed for the substance abuse program and all applicants must be drug and alcohol free for three days before entering the program; applicants may not have special medical needs
*Intake will include questions about occupation and work history, marital status and dependents, type of addiction, past rehabilitation attempts, court charges, criminal history and probation information; applicant will be asked to provide his social security card and a picture ID during intake
*Substance abuse Program cost is $700.00 per month with a $700.00 induction fee; financial arrangements will be discussed during the interview; some partial scholarships for those that lack funds

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Date of Official Change:

May 25, 2022

Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

Confidential Location
Tallahassee, FL 32312


3507 Sharer Rd
Tallahassee, FL 32312


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