Ability1st, Center for Independent Living of North FL


1823 Buford Court
Tallahassee, FL 32308

(850) 575-9621



*Provides direct human services for persons with disabilities including independent living skills training, information and referral to other relevant organizations, and collaboration and support regarding needs
*Durable medical equipment loans such as wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, shower chairs; distributes disposable medical supplies (such as incontinence products) for low income persons with disabilities
*Mobility ramp and half-step construction for individuals who qualify
*Youth Services: High School High Tech (HSHT) gives youth ages 14-22 with all types of disabilities the opportunity to explore jobs or post-secondary education; open to youth from Leon and Wakulla counties, activities include career counseling and workshops, industry and campus tours, summer internships, community service projects, and more
*Assistance in applying for social security benefits
*Permanent supportive housing consultation
*Homeless outreach

Intake Process:

Call or apply online

Program Fees:

None for most services




Vary by service

Is Shelter?


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Date of Official Change:

August 7, 2024

Address Listings


1823 Buford Court
Tallahassee, FL 32308

Physical (Primary)

1823 Buford Court
Tallahassee, FL 32308


Phone Numbers

1. Main Number

(850) 575-9621

Legal Status:


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