DMS, Division of Retirement


3189 Blairstone Rd
Tallahassee, FL 32301

(850) 907-6500


Florida Department of Management Services; DMS; Florida Retirement System


*Administers Florida Retirement System for government employees, and retirees of the state, county, school boards, universities, and community colleges, and cities and special districts that choose to join System
*Provides information and takes complaints about Florida Retirement System (FRS)
*FRS website provides pre-retirement information for active Investment Plan members and post-retirement information for retired Investment Plan members. Website has access to the Financial Guidance Program to help employees make a choice between participation in the FRS Pension Plan or the FRS Investment Plan.
*Administers the Florida National Guard Supplemental Retirement Program.

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Date of Official Change:

January 18, 2024

Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

3189 Blairstone Rd
Tallahassee, FL 32301


PO Box 9000
Tallahassee, FL 32315


Phone Numbers

1. Main Number

(850) 907-6500


*Administers Florida Retirement System for government employees, and retirees of the state, county, school boards, universities, and community colleges, and cities and special districts that choose to join System *Provides information and takes complaints about Florida Retirement System (FRS) *FRS website provides pre-retirement information for active Investment Plan members and post-retirement information for retired Investment Plan members. Website has access to the Financial Guidance Program to help employees make a choice between participation in the FRS Pension Plan or the FRS Investment Plan. *Administers the Florida National Guard Supplemental Retirement Program.


8am-5pm, M-F

Required Documents

SS Card


Employees or retirees of the state, county, school boards, universities, community colleges



Intake Procedure

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English, Spanish

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Geography Served

    If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

  • Florida
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