You Can Make A Difference, Inc.


PO Box 1050
Gretna, FL 32332

(850) 270-8793




*Low cost spay/neuter vouchers (co-pay ranging from $5-$30) for residents of Gadsden County only, Liberty and Jackson Counties co-pay varies; dogs over 50 pounds co-pay will increase $1.00 per pound; services provided only at Animal Spay and Neuter Center in Tallahassee, FL 850-386-4148
*Low cost wellness vouchers including: vaccines dog/cats $25; vaccines, Heartworm and Fecal test $40; and $10 Co-pay Rabies vaccination for residents of Gadsden, Liberty and Jackson Counties
*Pet food assistance applications
*Microchip identification is available
*Emergency veterinary assistance provided on a cost-pairing basis only to Gadsden Co. residents when funds available
*Intake stray dogs and cats, house them and adopt them out with pre and post home visits
*You may qualify for emergency veterinary assistance (when funds are available) if you are eligible for Medicaid, food stamps, subsidized housing, WIC, SSI, heating assistance, unemployment benefits, or are a single person earning less than $15,900 annually; persons in one or more of these situations are given priority

*Facebook page is kept up to date (, website not updated often

Intake Process:

Pet owners call, and visit web site or Facebook to fill out contact information for services; the caller and agency will decide what is needed and how much the caller will pay and issue a voucher for help and location

Program Fees:

Call, fees vary depending on services and size of animal




Must be a resident of Gadsden, Liberty or Jackson County

Handicap Accessible?


Is Shelter?


Related Resources

Date of Official Change:

May 6, 2024

Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

PO Box 1050
Gretna, FL 32332


PO Box 1050
Gretna, FL 32332


Phone Numbers

1. Main Number

(850) 270-8793

2. Other Number

(850) 764-1909

3. After-Hours Number

(850) 364-0079

Legal Status:


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