Community Wellness Counseling & Support Services, Bristol


10611 Florida Hwy 20
Bristol, FL 32321

(850) 643-1033


*CARF accredited group outpatient practice currently accepting new patients, all mental health professionals are English speaking only
*Treats children through adults in person and by video (telemental health); depression, anxiety, grief, eating disorders, and trauma in individual, family, couples and group settings
*Public School and Early Learning programs including observation, preventative care, advocacy, and care coordination for individual students; consultation, observation and crisis planning and intervention for teachers and administrators; education for parents, teachers, and staff
*Provides pre-surgical bariatric psychological evaluations as mandated by insurance companies for approved for weight loss surgery
*Practice can offer psychiatric supervised medication prescription and managment
*Fees $125 an hour, does not offer a sliding scale for self-pay; accepts Access Behavioral Health, Aetna and Simply Florida Healthy Kids Plans, AETNA, AMBETTER, BCBS, BEACON, Children's Medical Services (CMS) Title 19, Children's Medical Services (CMS) Title 21, Cigna, Humana Medicaid, Medicaid Florida, Medicare, Molina Healthcare, OPTUM, Private Pay, SIMPLY, Sunshine Medicaid, Tricare East Region, United Health Care, UMR, and Wellcare
*All programs, services, and administration are located in the Bristol office; Tallahassee office (2940 E Park Ave Tallahassee, FL 32301) is for therapy sessions only

Intake Process:

Call office

Program Fees:

Fees $125 an hour, does not offer a sliding scale for self-pay; accepts Access Behavioral Health, Aetna and Simply Florida Healthy Kids Plans, AETNA, AMBETTER, BCBS, BEACON, Children's Medical Services (CMS) Title 19, Children's Medical Services (CMS) Title 21, Cigna, Humana Medicaid, Medicaid Florida, Medicare, Molina Healthcare, OPTUM, Private Pay, SIMPLY, Sunshine Medicaid, Tricare East Region, United Health Care, UMR, and Wellcare




Anyone needing services offered

Handicap Accessible?


Is Shelter?


Date of Official Change:

September 30, 2024

Employer ID:


Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

10611 Florida Hwy 20
Bristol, FL 32321


10611 Florida Hwy 20
Bristol, FL 32321


Autumn McLemore

Primary Contact

Referral Coordinator

(850) 643-1033

Legal Status:

Private, Nonprofit

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