2-1-1 Big Bend, Lyft Program


PO Box 10950
Tallahassee, FL 32302-2950

(850) 617-6325



*Offers one free round trip ride each calendar month for Leon County residents to food pantries and grocery stores, healthcare agencies including pharmacies, social service agencies, employment agencies, and job interviews
*For approved veterans, a total of five rides are offered each month for the above needs as well as agencies providing veteran services; veterans need to provide one time proof of veteran status to be able to receive the five rides offered to veterans
*Rides can be scheduled up to thirty days in advance; to obtain a ride, it is necessary to call at least one business day in advance
*Only emergency room discharge (or other hospital discharge) rides might be able to be provided on a same day request basis
*Rides are scheduled for any time M-F (No weekend rides offered), Lyft specialists are available to take and return calls to schedule rides 9AM-5PM, M-F

Intake Process:

Call 211 and press 2

Program Fees:



English, Spanish, translation service


Leon county residents, both veterans and non-veterans, in need of transportation to food pantries, healthcare agencies, job search agencies, job interviews, or agencies that serve Veterans

Is Shelter?


Related Resource

Date of Official Change:

July 31, 2024

Employer ID:


Address Listings


Tallahassee, FL 32302

Mailing (Primary)

PO Box 10950
Tallahassee, FL 32302-2950


Phone Numbers

1. Helpline 2-1-1 Extension 2


Legal Status:

Private, Non-Profit


*Offers one free round trip ride each calendar month for Leon County residents to food pantries and grocery stores, healthcare agencies including pharmacies, social service agencies, employment agencies, and job interviews *For approved veterans, a total of three rides are offered each month for the above needs as well as agencies providing veteran services; veterans need to provide one time proof of veteran status to be able to receive the three rides offered to veterans *Rides can be scheduled up to thirty days in advance; to obtain a ride, it is necessary to call at least one business day in advance *Only emergency room discharge (or other hospital discharge) rides might be able to be provided on a same day request basis *Rides are scheduled for any time M-F (No weekend rides offered), Lyft specialists are available to take and return calls to schedule rides 9AM-5PM, M-F


Rides are scheduled for any time M-F, Lyft specialists return calls to schedule rides 9AM-5PM, M-F

Required Documents



Leon county residents in need of transportation to food pantries, healthcare agencies, job search agencies, job interviews, or agencies that serve Veterans



Intake Procedure

Call 211


English, Spanish, translation service

Offered Outside of Physical Location


Service Area

Leon County

Geography Served

    If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

  • Florida
    • Gadsden County
      • Leon County
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