Zero Hour Life Center


3391 E Silver Springs Blvd, Unit G
Ocala, FL 34470

(352) 247-4297


*First Responders can call 352-247-4297 or email
*First responder peer recovery coaches assist by working side-by-side with individuals seeking recovery from substance use and mental health disorders.
*Helps individuals create their own recovery plans, including learning ways to stop using drugs or alcohol, finding local resources for treatment, detoxification, family support, and addiction/alcoholism education
*Provide support and foster positive change and can help the individual coming home from treatment to avoid a relapse
*Help the individual build community support for recovery, work on life goals not related to addiction, such as relationships, work, or education
*Target population: Current or former firefighters, police officers, sheriffs, corrections officers, emergency medical services personnel, emergency dispatchers/telecommunications operators and their families.

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