Ex Offenders

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Avalon Treatment Centers

*Outpatient substance abuse assessment and treatment; programs for batterer's intervention and domestic violence treatment; anger management, anti-theft courses, Driving While License is Suspended or Revoked (DWLSR) FACT Class, & victim awareness/victim impact panel, court ordered DUI intervention programs; most courses available in person and online (telemental health) *Provides services through a contract with the Department of Corrections; most attendees are court-order, but a court-order is not a requirement to attend *Fees: Outpatient Substance Abuse Group Counseling Session $35; Safety Council Evaluation/Intake (DUI) $150; Bio-Psychosocial Evaluation (Drug/Alchohol) $300; anger management or andti theft counseling sessions $25; batterer intervention group counseling session $35; batter intervention evaluation $150; Victim Awarness/Victim Impact Panel $150; SassI #3 Testing (Drug/Alchohol) $150; DWLSR Fact Class $70; one on one sessions $125

Services: Anger Management, Assessment for Substance Use Disorders, DUI Offender Programs, Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Traffic School

1349 E Lafayette St

Tallahassee, FL 32301

(850) 999-2623

Behavior, Inc

*Program that offers counseling, housing referrals (non-violent offenders only), jobs referrals, family reunification, educational assistance, and community connections for homeles veterans and offenders who are re-entering the community after incarceration *Group therapy for all in need Monday evenings at 6PM, counseling by appointment *Works to assist and take referrals from City Walk Urban Mission and RISE (Resilience.

Services: Ex-Offender Reentry Programs

1709 Mahan Dr


Tallahassee, FL 32308

(850) 325-0551

Bright Future Behavioral Health

*Group practice of licensed professionals and supervised interns seeking to assist those with mental health and/or substance abuse issues by removing barriers such as homelessness, transportation, and accessible treatment *Practice is accessible, and can be reached by public transportation; currently accepting new patients; cannot prescribe or manage patient's medications *Fees $95 to $200 an hour, offers a sliding scale for self-pay; accepts Florida Blue, United Health Care, Humana and EAP clients for adults, accepts Aetna(non-Medicaid) for all ages; uninsured clients with no funds may receive counseling from a supervised intern for little to no charge *Holistic treatment for adolescents through adults as individuals, couples, and families both in person and by video (telemental health); specialty treatment areas include ADHD, addiction and substance abuse, anger management, anxiety, behavioral issues, bipolar disorder, coping skills, depression, family conflict, opposition/defiance disorder, school issues, self-esteem, self-harming, stress, suicidal ideation, and PTSD/Trauma, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), support animal evaluations and letters *Telehealth services available for all of FL and some of Georgia, call for more information, in-person services available for Leon County and surrounding counties *Offers Second Chance Employment Program, a 90-day program where ex-offenders receive job coaching and job readiness training, case management with community resources, help applying for Social Security benefits, and parenting skills coaching

Services: Adolescent/Youth Counseling, Anger Management, Assessment for Substance Use Disorders, Ex-Offender Employment Programs, Ex-Offender Reentry Programs, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Family Counseling, General Counseling Services, Parent Counseling, Parenting Skills Classes, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Substance Use Disorder Day Treatment, Telemental Health

2236 Capital Circle NE Suite 204

Tallahassee, FL 32308

(850) 792-7795

CareerSource, Capital Region, Gadsden County

*Access to employment-related services in one central location and matching qualified participants with appropriate job opportunities, based on skills and other circumstances *Center maintains lists of job openings; job search and assistance, resume writing classes, employability skills classes, training scholarships for eligible individuals *LEAP program: for young adults ages 16-24, not enrolled in school, can aid in: job and work experience, resumes, job prep, recruitment opportunities, assistance with obtaining high school diploma/GED, higher education, vocational training, certificates, and financial literacy training *Welfare Transition: case management services, employment classes, job training and placement, financial assistance for employment-related transportation and child care *Veteran services: assistance with job search and training opportunities *Assists with applying for SNAP (food assistance), Temporary cash assistance (TCA, TANF), Medicaid, Unemployment; call for dates and times

Services: Employment Preparation, Ex-Offender Employment Programs, Job Finding Assistance, Veteran Employment Programs, Youth Employment Programs

1140 W Clark St

Quincy, FL 32351

(850) 875-4040

CareerSource, Capital Region, Leon County

*Access to employment-related services in one central location and matching qualified participants with appropriate job opportunities, based on skills and other circumstances *Center maintains lists of job openings; job search and assistance, resume writing classes, employability skills classes, training scholarships for eligible individuals *LEAP program: for young adults ages 16-24, not enrolled in school, can aid in: job and work experience, resumes, job prep, recruitment opportunities, assistance with obtaining high school diploma/GED, higher education, vocational training, certificates, and financial literacy training *Welfare Transition: case management services, employment classes, job training and placement, financial assistance for employment-related transportation and child care *Veteran services: assistance with job search and training opportunities *Assists with applying for SNAP (food assistance), Temporary cash assistance (TCA, TANF), Medicaid, Unemployment; call for dates and times

Services: Employment Preparation, Ex-Offender Employment Programs, Job Finding Assistance, Veteran Employment Programs, Youth Employment Programs

2601 Blairstone Rd, Bldg C, Ste 200

Tallahassee, FL 32301

(850) 922-0023

CareerSource, Capital Region, Wakulla County

*Access to employment-related services in one central location and matching qualified participants with appropriate job opportunities, based on skills and other circumstances *Center maintains lists of job openings; job search and assistance, resume writing classes, employability skills classes, training scholarships for eligible individuals *LEAP program: for young adults ages 16-24, not enrolled in school, can aid in: job and work experience, resumes, job prep, recruitment opportunities, assistance with obtaining high school diploma/GED, higher education, vocational training, certificates, and financial literacy training *Welfare Transition: case management services, employment classes, job training and placement, financial assistance for employment-related transportation and child care *Veteran services: assistance with job search and training opportunities *Assists with applying for SNAP (food assistance), Temporary cash assistance (TCA, TANF), Medicaid, Unemployment; call for dates and times

Services: Employment Preparation, Ex-Offender Employment Programs, Job Finding Assistance, Veteran Employment Programs, Youth Employment Programs

3278 Crawfordville Hwy, Ste G

Crawfordville, FL 32327

(850) 926-0980

CareerSource, Chipola

*Provides services for job seekers, businesses and employers in Liberty, Calhoun, Holmes, Jackson and Washington counties *Offers training for individuals who may have barriers to certain employment, or be a veteran or eligible spouse, low income or receiving public assistance *Assists dislocated workers (laid off); youth (16-24) seeking first or new jobs and/or a trade, obtaining high school diploma or GED *Welfare Transition may provide Temporary Cash Assistance (TANF) recipients with training, education, support services, and skills needed to gain unsubsidized employment *Veterans offered help in preparing for employment in the civilian world through a transition program *Veterans Transition Assistance Program helps service members with service related disabilities or barriers prepare for employment *Will help with bonding an ex-offender for employer willing to hire *Do NOT refer callers for financial assistance or housing *Other locations: *4636 Highway 90 E, Ste E, Marianna, 32446 *757 Hoyt St, Rm 108, Chipley, 32428

Services: Employment Preparation, Ex-Offender Employment Programs, Job Finding Assistance, Veteran Employment Programs

17336 Main St North

Blountstown, FL 32424

(850) 633-4419

CareerSource, Gulf Coast, Bay, Franklin and Gulf Counties

*Offers access to employment-related services in one central location *Maintains list of local job openings; provides job search assistance; offers resource room with free computer, copy and fax machine for job searching; free job seeker workshops *Provides veteran's job search help including supportive services; includes family members *Unemployment claims process: www.

Services: Employment Preparation, Ex-Offender Employment Programs, Job Finding Assistance, Tutoring Services

625 Hwy 231, Mariner Plaza

Panama City, FL 32405

(850) 872-4340

CareerSource, North Florida

*Unites various employment, training and support services and agencies to assist residents of Madison, Taylor, Suwannee, Hamilton and Lafayette Counties find jobs and assist businesses to obtain employees *Access to employment services and DCF Access Florida computer application process in one central location in Madison County *Center improves employment skills through job aptitude and interest assessment, resume writing and interviewing skills, computer access *Employment information and help regarding job openings and other related services *Unemployment claims process: www.

Services: Employment Preparation, Ex-Offender Employment Programs, Food Stamps/SNAP, Job Finding Assistance, Medicaid, TANF, Unemployment Insurance

705 E Base St

Madison, FL 32340

(850) 973-9675


*Faith-based transitional home for male sex offenders returning from prison; must agree to Christian Biblical studies, community rules, and attendance at required meetings/chapels *Residents on probation or parole must be from the 2nd Circuit only *Residents pay $450 per month, $115 per week or $15-25 per day; there is a $400 application fee for Leon County, $500 for out of county but in the 2nd Circuit and $600 for out of state *Offer jobs in lawn care services

Services: Ex-Offender Reentry Programs, Transitional Housing/Shelter

1224 Eppes Dr

Tallahassee, FL 32304

(850) 320-0281

Viewing 1-10 of 24 results (listed alphabetically A - Z)
