Clothing/Household Goods

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All About Love, Inc.

*Does not offer utility payment assistance or rent assistance, but may be able to assist with utility service extensions based on caller's ability to pay *Other services provided as funds are available, including prescription assistance, clothing, benefits application assistance (food stamps, SSI, SS, VA), life management skills/budgeting, and resume/employment assistance *May ask some persons who receive services to volunteer for them in exchange for providing assistance *Will only asks able-bodied people (not elderly, disabled, etc.

Services: Employment Preparation, Food Stamps/SNAP, General Benefits and Services Assistance, General Clothing Provision, Job Finding Assistance, Life Skills Education, Personal Financial Counseling, Prescription Expense Assistance


Tallahassee, FL 32303

(850) 591-2017

Assurance Wireless

*Federal Lifeline Assistance cell phone program that offers a free Android™ Smartphone, 350 free minutes, unlimited free texts, and 2GB free data each month for qualified individuals based on federal or state-specific eligibility criteria, ie Medicaid, Bureau of Indian Affairs Programs, Food Stamps (SNAP), Section 8/ Federal Public Housing Assistance, Temporary Cash Assistance, Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), National School Free Lunch Program (NSLP) *Can also qualify based on household income; must provide proof of program participation or proof of income *Penalty exists for going over monthly minutes or texts, but more minutes and texts can be purchased before exceeding the monthly limit *Phone must be used at least once every thirty days to keep free service *Available for only one wireless account per household; separate households that live at the same address are eligible, including residents of homeless shelters and nursing homes, for example; residents with temporary addresses eligible

Services: Cell Phones

PO Box 5040

Charleston, IL 61920

(888) 898-4888

Big Bend Habitat for Humanity ReStore

*Provides inexpensive gently used and sometime new building supplies: tile, flooring materials, siding, wire, and more *Appliances, doors, cabinets, sinks, tables, chairs, lamps and more *Materials list on internet; items needing repair not accepted

Services: Household Goods, Thrift Shops, Volunteer Opportunities

387-C Marpan Ln

Tallahassee, FL 32305

(850) 544-6438

Brehon Family Services, Brehon House

*Non-Emergency transitional housing for homeless, adult pregnant women and women with infants up to age 3 (without criminal background) on first come, first serve basis for 6 to 9 months; waiting period may be several months) *Pre and postnatal education, infant care training, case management *Career counseling, encouragement to continue schooling, assistance in finding permanent housing *May help with baby or maternity items on a limited basis

Services: Baby Clothing, Diapers, Employment Preparation, Expectant/New Parent Assistance, Maternity Clothing, Maternity Homes, Post Pregnancy Shelter/Transitional Housing, Transitional Housing/Shelter

1315 Linda Ann Dr

Tallahassee, FL 32301

(850) 656-7110 x2

Calhoun-Liberty Ministry Center

*Faith-based organization offering a food pantry, clothing closet, thrift store, and utility and rent assistance *Assistance restricted to residents of Calhoun and Liberty Counties

Services: Food Pantries, General Clothing Provision, Rent Payment Assistance, Thrift Shops, Utility Service Payment Assistance

21754 State Rd 20 E

Blountstown, FL 32424

(850) 674-1818

Calvary United Methodist Church, McKenzie's Clothing Closet

*Church sponsors McKenzie's Clothing Closet with free clothes for all ages open 8:30AM-11AM every Monday *Church located on corner of Pensacola St and Ausley Rd

Services: Baby Clothing, General Clothing Provision

218 Ausley Rd

Tallahassee, FL 32304

(850) 576-3124

Capital City Youth Services, Going Places Street Outreach

*Outreach services for homeless, runaway and at risk youth (11 to 24) on the streets: Provides shelter or tents and/or tarps and survival supplies for living outdoors *Help with finding housing, employment, financial aid, ID acquisition, food stamps, bus tickets home, calls home for safe and well notification *Assistance with Medicaid, health and dental care, prescriptions, pregnancy and STD testing, substance abuse and mental health counseling *Drop in center at 2407 Roberts Ave, Tallahassee, 32310, (Bus Loop 7), open M-F, by appointment only, offers all services plus showers, laundry, computers, meals, food pantry, clothes closet and a safe place to be *Services also available where Safe Place signs are placed, such as a table, banner or vehicle with Going Places logo

Services: General Benefits and Services Assistance, General Clothing Provision, General Counseling Services, Health Care Referrals, Homeless Drop In Centers, Laundry Facilities, Public Showers/Baths, Records/Licenses/Permits, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Transportation Expense Assistance

2407 Roberts Ave

Tallahassee, FL 32310

(850) 274-8689

Catholic Charities, NWFLT, Emergency Assistance

*APPLICATIONS FOR ASSISTANCE WILL BE ACCEPTED ON THE SECOND (2nd) and Fourth (4th) MONDAYS at 9AM *BE AWARE THAT ALL FUNDS FOR RENT/UTILITY ASSISTANCE COME FROM SEVERAL DIFFERENT SOURCES, AND EACH SOURCE HAS DIFFERENT REQUIREMENTS (INCOME IS JUST ONE OF MANY FACTORS); ADDITIONALLY, FUNDING SOURCES CAN CHANGE FREQENTLY *Program may be able to assist qualifying persons with past due rent and/or utilities (and in some cases rental and/or utilities deposits) *Walk-ins are not accepted; a phone screening is required *Funding is available for adults with or without children in the home *For families with at least one child in the home who is age 17 or under, the adult applying for assistance must be the parent or guardian of the minor child or children who live in the home *Food pantry hours are from 9AM-Noon on Tuesdays and Wednesdays; Baby diaper/other baby items assistance is available from 2:30PM-3:30PM on Mondays and Tuesdays; Walk-ins are accepted for food and baby items only; Clients must bring a photo ID for food and baby items, and clients are eligible once every two months

Services: Diapers, Food Pantries, Rent Payment Assistance, Utility Service Payment Assistance

1380 Blountstown Hwy

Tallahassee, FL 32304

(850) 222-2180

City Walk Urban Mission, Thrift Store

*Thrift store that sells a variety of donated items at low cost including clothing, shoes, furniture, household items, small appliances and many other items *No longer offers a food pantry as of September 2023

Services: Thrift Shops

1105 N Monroe St

Tallahassee, FL 32303

(850) 528-3909

Community Pregnancy Clinics

*Assisting women in carrying pregnancies to full term with free and confidential pregnancy testing, STD testing, limited ultrasound, peer counseling, pregnancy crisis intervention, post abortion counseling, referrals to community services, adoption information, and material assistance for mother and baby *Offices are located in Naples, Ft.

Services: Adoption Information/Referrals, Baby Clothing, Health Care Referrals, Household Goods, Maternity Clothing, Postabortion Counseling, Pregnancy Counseling, Pregnancy Testing, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening

940 Fifth Ave N

Naples, FL 34102

(239) 689-1543

Viewing 1-10 of 46 results (listed by best match)
