Health Diseases/Disabilities

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Alfonso, Isabel, Ph.D. (PY6302)

*Licensed psychologist (PY6302) in private practice who is currently accepting new patients in a location that can be reached by public transportation but is not accessible *Fees $200 for intake and $150 for 50 minute sessions, does not offer a sliding scale for self-pay; tricare and out of network BCBS, PPO client files *Treats adolescents through adults as individuals and groups in person and by video (telemental health); specialty treatment areas include general anxiety and depression, ADHD, eating disorders, and family issues, treats athletes who have lost their ability to play due to medical issues through an organization called "Who We Play For" *Therapist is female, English and Spanish speaking, Hispanic & cannot prescribe or manage patient's medications

Services: Adolescent/Youth Counseling, Eating Disorders Treatment, Family Counseling, Mental Health Evaluation, Telemental Health

1017 Thomasville Road

Suite B

Tallahassee, FL 32303

(850) 577-3204

Alzheimer's Project, Big Bend Respite Care

*Respite offered on a weekly basis on-site; caregivers may take time to go grocery shopping, get a haircut, or take a much needed nap *Respite uses socialization and group activities to keep the clients active and socially engaged throughout the day; activities include: arts and crafts, music therapy, pet therapy, chair yoga, and games *Clients must be assessed before attending; call (850) 386-2778 to schedule an initial assessment *Day respite care 9AM-3PM at each location; call for information for the location closest to you; registration required for all Tallahassee day respite programs

Services: Dementia Management, Respite Care

301 E Tharpe St

Tallahassee, FL 32303

(850) 386-2778

AMC, Sensory Friendly Films & Assistive Movie Going

*Sensory Friendly films provides opportunity for families to enjoy film in safe, accepting environment with with the lights up, sound down *Audience is invited to get up, dance, walk around, shout and sing *All Sensory Friendly Films take place 2nd and 4th Saturdays (family friendly, often 10AM) and Wednesdays (mature audiences, usually 7PM) *Technology includes assistive listening, audio description, closed captioning, and wheelchair spaces with companion seating *Some wheelchair spaces may be available even if the show is sold out; be sure to ask the box office

Services: Autism Therapy, Recreational Activities/Sports

2415 N Monroe St

Tallahassee, FL 32303

(850) 386-7873

American Breast Cancer Foundation

*Financial assistance on limited basis for both men and women who have a doctor's referral, are uninsured and whose income falls 300% below the federal poverty level for screening and diagnostic procedures such as mammogram, ultrasound, biopsy, and surgical consults *Education and Community Advocacy Program - connects diagnosed breast cancer patients with resources including living expenses, medical expenses, transportation, and legal services *Website offers the "Animated Patient Series" and a library that includes educational information on exams, mammography, risks, breast cancer stages, and treatments

Services: Cancer Detection, Medical Care Expense Assistance, Medical Information Services

10440 Little Patuxent Pkwy, Ste 300

Columbia, MD 21044

(844) 219-2223

American Cancer Society

*Information on research, education, advocacy, and services available for cancer patients, survivors, family and friends, and health care professionals *Topics: include local low-cost medical referrals where available, prevention, early detection, treatment, clinical trials, coping, support group referrals, the Cancer Survivors Network, statistics, research programs, and how to donate or volunteer with ACS *National hotline also offers information and referral for the Breast and Cervical Cancer screening sites in Florida

Services: Cancer Detection, Clinical Trials, Health/Disability Related Support Groups, Medical Information Services

3380 Chastain Meadows Pkwy NW, Ste 200

Kennesaw, GA 30144

(800) 227-2345

Arauco, Andrea, LCSW (SW14220)

*Licensed Social Worker and Postpartum Support International coordinator located in the Miami-Dade area *Video therapy (Telemental Health) for all of Florida and Run/Walk/Talk therapy for local clients, where clients are able to exercise while talking in a private fashion *Fees for Initial phone consultation is free; following Individual Sessions – $125 and Family Sessions – $135; accepts Cigna, Aetna, United HealthCare, Oxford, Oscar Health & Lyra Health insurances, out of network for all other insurances *Cannot prescribe or manage patient's medications

Services: Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders Treatment, Telemental Health

PO Box 771154

Miami, FL 33177

(305) 982-7434

ARC Big Bend, The

*Serves people with intellectual and developmental disabilities with life skills, school to work, and employment services *Adult day training for developmentally disabled adults and students in high school transition programs *Supported employment *Employment Services for the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation *Program serves 9 counties within the Big Bend region, including: Madison, Jefferson, Leon, Gadsden, Wakulla, Taylor, Suwannee, Hamilton, and Lafayette *Employment Services Office in Tallahassee: 2898 Mahan Dr, Suite 2.

Services: Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs, Home/Community Based Developmental Disabilities Programs, Special Education, Vocational Education

122 SW Commerce Dr

Madison, FL 32340

(850) 973-4614

Area 02 STD Program Manager (Leon DOH Area)

*Central contact for STD local control staff, community outreach and education, regional and county planning; evaluation of local counseling, testing, and referral programs; coordination of patient care related activities

Services: Sexually Transmitted Infection Control, Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening

1515 Old Bainbridge Rd

Tallahassee, FL 32304

(850) 404-6363

Arthritis Foundation, Inc.

*Patient education and referrals; Public Medical Information Forum, free literature *Life Improvement Series offers aquatic, exercise, and self-help programs to increase mobility, reduce pain and stiffness, and decrease physician visits

Services: Arthritis Treatment Centers

9500 Koger Blvd N, Ste 102

Saint Petersburg, FL 33702

(800) 283-7800

Autism Research Institute

*Conducts research and disseminates the results on the causes of autism and on methods of preventing, diagnosing and treating autism and other severe behavioral disorders of childhood *Provides research based information to parents, caretakers and professionals through the agency's web site which also offers screening tools such as a diagnostic check-list and an Autism Treatment Evaluation checklist (ATEC) *Awards grants and funds research studies, interested parties can learn more about taking part in the studies on the website

Services: Autism Therapy, Clinical Trials, Pediatric Developmental Assessment

4182 Adams Ave

San Diego, CA 92116

(833) 281-7165

Viewing 1-10 of 115 results (listed by best match)
