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CareerSource, Capital Region, Gadsden County

*Access to employment-related services in one central location and matching qualified participants with appropriate job opportunities, based on skills and other circumstances *Center maintains lists of job openings; job search and assistance, resume writing classes, employability skills classes, training scholarships for eligible individuals *LEAP program: for young adults ages 16-24, not enrolled in school, can aid in: job and work experience, resumes, job prep, recruitment opportunities, assistance with obtaining high school diploma/GED, higher education, vocational training, certificates, and financial literacy training *Welfare Transition: case management services, employment classes, job training and placement, financial assistance for employment-related transportation and child care *Veteran services: assistance with job search and training opportunities *Assists with applying for SNAP (food assistance), Temporary cash assistance (TCA, TANF), Medicaid, Unemployment; call for dates and times

Services: Employment Preparation, Ex-Offender Employment Programs, Job Finding Assistance, Veteran Employment Programs, Youth Employment Programs

1140 W Clark St

Quincy, FL 32351

(850) 875-4040

CareerSource, Capital Region, Leon County

*Access to employment-related services in one central location and matching qualified participants with appropriate job opportunities, based on skills and other circumstances *Center maintains lists of job openings; job search and assistance, resume writing classes, employability skills classes, training scholarships for eligible individuals *LEAP program: for young adults ages 16-24, not enrolled in school, can aid in: job and work experience, resumes, job prep, recruitment opportunities, assistance with obtaining high school diploma/GED, higher education, vocational training, certificates, and financial literacy training *Welfare Transition: case management services, employment classes, job training and placement, financial assistance for employment-related transportation and child care *Veteran services: assistance with job search and training opportunities *Assists with applying for SNAP (food assistance), Temporary cash assistance (TCA, TANF), Medicaid, Unemployment; call for dates and times

Services: Employment Preparation, Ex-Offender Employment Programs, Job Finding Assistance, Veteran Employment Programs, Youth Employment Programs

2601 Blairstone Rd, Bldg C, Ste 200

Tallahassee, FL 32301

(850) 922-0023

CareerSource, Capital Region, Wakulla County

*Access to employment-related services in one central location and matching qualified participants with appropriate job opportunities, based on skills and other circumstances *Center maintains lists of job openings; job search and assistance, resume writing classes, employability skills classes, training scholarships for eligible individuals *LEAP program: for young adults ages 16-24, not enrolled in school, can aid in: job and work experience, resumes, job prep, recruitment opportunities, assistance with obtaining high school diploma/GED, higher education, vocational training, certificates, and financial literacy training *Welfare Transition: case management services, employment classes, job training and placement, financial assistance for employment-related transportation and child care *Veteran services: assistance with job search and training opportunities *Assists with applying for SNAP (food assistance), Temporary cash assistance (TCA, TANF), Medicaid, Unemployment; call for dates and times

Services: Employment Preparation, Ex-Offender Employment Programs, Job Finding Assistance, Veteran Employment Programs, Youth Employment Programs

3278 Crawfordville Hwy, Ste G

Crawfordville, FL 32327

(850) 926-0980

CareerSource, Chipola

*Provides services for job seekers, businesses and employers in Liberty, Calhoun, Holmes, Jackson and Washington counties *Offers training for individuals who may have barriers to certain employment, or be a veteran or eligible spouse, low income or receiving public assistance *Assists dislocated workers (laid off); youth (16-24) seeking first or new jobs and/or a trade, obtaining high school diploma or GED *Welfare Transition may provide Temporary Cash Assistance (TANF) recipients with training, education, support services, and skills needed to gain unsubsidized employment *Veterans offered help in preparing for employment in the civilian world through a transition program *Veterans Transition Assistance Program helps service members with service related disabilities or barriers prepare for employment *Will help with bonding an ex-offender for employer willing to hire *Do NOT refer callers for financial assistance or housing *Other locations: *4636 Highway 90 E, Ste E, Marianna, 32446 *757 Hoyt St, Rm 108, Chipley, 32428

Services: Employment Preparation, Ex-Offender Employment Programs, Job Finding Assistance, Veteran Employment Programs

17336 Main St North

Blountstown, FL 32424

(850) 633-4419

DCF, Continue the Mission Initiative

*Department of Children and Family (DCF) program offering flexible career opportunities to veterans, military spouses, and former law enforcement officers to serve as Child Protective Investigators (CPI), case managers and mentors *DCF and Florida Department of Veteran's Affairs (FDVA), partnering with local veterans' groups in Tallahassee will host the initial recruitment events for veterans, their spouses and former law enforcement officers at Career Source *Serve as a call to action for veterans, military spouses and former law enforcement officers who still have a desire to serve their communities.

Services: Veteran Employment Programs

1317 Winewood Blvd, Bldg 1, Rm 202

Tallahassee, FL 32399

(850) 487-1111

FSU and TCC, Veterans Success Center

*Helps service members, veterans, and eligible dependents succeed in their education goals, student Veteran peer mentoring and tutoring services, Pathfinder program used to mentor veterans and help guide and adjust to college life *Provides qualified vocational rehabilitation and career counseling *Assistance with applying for VA benefits including GI Bill, disability compensation, life insurance and home loan guaranty *Information and referrals to VA medical and mental health services *Office located in the Computer Technology building on the second floor, room 206 (CT206)

Services: Employment Preparation, Student Financial Aid, Veteran Benefits Assistance, Veteran Employment Programs, Veteran Reintegration Counseling, Veteran Support Groups, Vocational Rehabilitation

444 Appleyard Dr

Room CT206

Tallahassee, FL 32304

(850) 228-3008

FSU, Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans

*Entrepreneurship Boot camp for Veterans (EBV) Accelerate is a 3 phase, boot camp-style program that handles topics such as finance, management, marketing and strategy planning held at Florida State University *Open to all veteran business owners – 50% or more ownership maintained by veteran, must be in business for 3 or more years, and they must employ 5 or more full time employees *Veteran business owner must have served active duty with honorable discharge or general discharge under honorable conditions *Graduates of other IMVF (Institute for Veteran and Military Families) programs are eligible to apply (must meet stated criteria) *Applicants accepted into EBV Accelerate programs will have lodging and meals provided to them; travel not included

Services: Business Development, Job Finding Assistance, Veteran Employment Programs

111 S Monroe St

Tallahassee, FL 32301

(850) 644-3372

Marine For Life Network

*Connects Marines transitioning out of service and their family members to employment, education and community resources *Assists transitioning Marines and veterans seeking long term careers with resources outside miliitary education benefits including over 30 program tracks with industry recognized credentials, comprehensive career coaching and job placement services, professional certificate programs available to those who qualify *Provides job specific interviews, comprehensive career coaching and job placement services along with several Recruit Military Career Fairs and networking events connecting veterans and transitioning Marines to potential employers *Eligibility: Active Duty military member (and spouse) who are 6 months away from being discharged from military active duty service with an honorable discharge Any veteran with an honorable discharge status, and their spouses National Guard/Reservists and spouses are eligible if they are an active member on a part-time status

Services: College/University Entrance Support, Employment Preparation, Military Student Transition Assistance, Military Transition Assistance Programs, Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits, Veteran Employment Programs

3280 Russel Rd

Quantico, VA 22134

(866) 645-8762

*Online searchable resource database for veterans, wounded warriors, service members, and their families *Resources for benefits and compensation, education and training, employment, family and caregiver support, health, homeless assistance, housing, military adaptive sports program, and transportation and travel

Services: Student Financial Aid, Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits, Veteran Employment Programs, Veteran Survivors Benefits

(800) 827-1000

Veterans Florida

*Helps veterans transition to civilian life *Provides a gateway to veteran-friendly educational institutions and programs to maximize veteran employment opportunities *Connects veterans with employers through Career Service Program *Assists veterans with creating resumes and preparing for job interviews *Helps veterans who want to relocate to Florida with finding housing *Veterans Florida Entrepreneurship Program helps veterans who want to start their own business

Services: Employment Preparation, Job Finding Assistance, Veteran Employment Programs

930 Thomasville Rd, Ste 100

Tallahassee, FL 32303

(850) 898-1444

Viewing 1-10 of 10 results (listed by best match)
