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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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Apalachee Center, FL Assertive Community Treatment (FACT)

*Comprehensive community-based treatment program in Leon County residents ONLY for persons with severe and persistent mental illnesses, significant functional impairments, and/or history of frequent hospitalizations, substance abuse, and inability to meet basic needs * Uses the P.

Services: Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment, Home Based Mental Health Services, Psychiatric Case Management, Psychiatric Medication Services, Vocational Rehabilitation

471 W Tennessee St

Tallahassee, FL 32301

(850) 523-3333 x2368

DOE, Division of Blind Services, District 2

*Services to blind or visually impaired persons, or those with an illness which could cause blindness; some based on economic need *Children birth to 5: parent education, counseling, mobility training, social, sensory and cognitive development *School age children: family counseling, case management, educational experience and information *Youth at least 14: school to work programs involving daily living skills, self advocacy, work experience, and assistive technology *Adults (18-65): rehabilitation, counseling, medical eye assistance, vocational rehabilitation and job placement *Seniors (65+): non-vocational rehabilitation, counseling and daily living skills training *Braille and Talking Book Library services and referrals to community services for all ages

Services: Assistive Technology Information, Case/Care Management, Eye Care, Health/Disability Related Counseling, Independent Living Skills Instruction, Vocational Rehabilitation

3900 Commonwealth Blvd, Ste 351

Douglas Bldg

Tallahassee, FL 32399

(800) 672-7038

DOE, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Area 1

*Serves persons with physical or mental disabilities that interfere with their ability to work by preparing clients for employment offering: medical, psychological and work evaluation assessment; follow-up and assistance with accommodations; counseling, guidance, career planning, job coaching, and assistive technology; limited on-the-job training *Offers financial post secondary education at colleges, universities, technical and vocational schools *Can provide referrals to vocational rehabilitation offices anywhere in Florida

Services: College/University Entrance Support, Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs, Health/Disability Related Counseling, Student Financial Aid, Vocational Rehabilitation

325 W Gaines St, Ste 1144

Tallahassee, FL 32399

(850) 245-3399

FDVA, Alachua County Veterans Service Office

*Florida Department of Veterans Affairs Alachua county office *Assists veterans and dependents in applying for benefits provided by USVA and other federal agencies: pensions, survivor benefits, service-related medical problems; home loans and specially adapted housing; women veterans outreach *Assists in applying for Florida benefits: Homestead and other tax exemptions, disability benefits, education and tuition breaks, lower license fees and ad valorem taxes during active duty, transportation to medical facilities when necessary *Assists surviving spouse of military retirees with burial, Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP), and insurance *Coordinates programs with Governor's Office, Florida Legislature, and Florida Congressional Delegation

Services: Student Financial Aid, Veteran Benefits Assistance, Veteran Burial Benefits, Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits, Veteran/Military Health Insurance, Vocational Rehabilitation

218 SE 24th St

Gainesville, FL 32641

(352) 264-6740

FDVA, Franklin County Veterans Service Office

*Florida Department of Veterans Affairs Franklin county office *Assists veterans and dependents in applying for benefits provided by USVA and other federal agencies: pensions, survivor benefits, service-related medical problems, home loans and specially adapted housing, women veterans outreach, outreach and assistance to homeless vets *Assists in applying for Florida benefits: Homestead and other tax exemptions, disability benefits, education and tuition breaks, lower license fees and ad valorem taxes during active duty, *Assists in getting transportation to medical facilities when necessary

Services: Military Transition Assistance Programs, Student Financial Aid, Veteran Benefits Assistance, Veteran Burial Benefits, Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits, Veteran/Military Health Insurance, Veteran Reintegration Counseling, Vocational Rehabilitation

33 Market St, Ste 103

Franklin County Courthouse

Apalachicola, FL 32320

(850) 653-8096

FDVA, Gadsden County Veterans Service Office

*Florida Department of Veterans Affairs Gadsden county office *Assists Florida's veterans, their families and survivors to improve their health and economic well-being through advocacy regarding benefit information, long term care service, homestead and other tax exemptions, disability benefits, education and tuition breaks, lower license fees and ad valorem taxes during active duty, transportation to medical facilities when necessary *Assists veterans and dependents in applying for benefits provided by USVA and other federal agencies: pensions, survivor benefits, service-related medical problems; home loans and specially adapted housing; women veterans outreach *Assists surviving spouse of military retirees with burial, Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP), and insurance *Coordinates programs with Governor's Office, Florida Legislature, and Florida Congressional Delegation *Provides transportation M-F for veterans to Tallahassee Outpatient Clinic

Services: Local Transportation, Student Financial Aid, Veteran Benefits Assistance, Veteran Burial Benefits, Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits, Veteran/Military Health Insurance, Veteran Reintegration Counseling, Vocational Rehabilitation

5-B E Jefferson St

Quincy, FL 32351

(850) 875-8661

FDVA, Gilchrist County Veterans Service Office

*Florida Department of Veterans Affairs Gilchrist county office *Assists Florida's veterans, their families and survivors to improve their health and economic well-being through advocacy regarding benefit information, long term care service, homestead and other tax exemptions, disability benefits, education and tuition breaks, lower license fees and ad valorem taxes during active duty, transportation to medical facilities when necessary *Assists veterans and dependents in applying for benefits provided by USVA and other federal agencies: pensions, survivor benefits, service-related medical problems; home loans and specially adapted housing; women veterans outreach *Assists surviving spouse of military retirees with burial, Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP), and insurance *Coordinates programs with Governor's Office, Florida Legislature, and Florida Congressional Delegation

Services: Student Financial Aid, Veteran Benefits Assistance, Veteran Burial Benefits, Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits, Veteran/Military Health Insurance, Veteran Reintegration Counseling, Vocational Rehabilitation

220 South Main St Ste B

Trenton, FL 32693

(352) 463-3188

FDVA, Jefferson County Veterans Service Office

*Florida Department of Veterans Affairs Jefferson county office *Assists veterans and dependents in applying for benefits provided by USVA and other federal agencies: pensions, survivor benefits, service-related medical problems; home loans and specially adapted housing; shelter and counseling for homeless vets; women veterans outreach *Assists in applying for Florida benefits: Homestead and other tax exemptions, disability benefits, education and tuition breaks, lower license fees and ad valorem taxes during active duty, transportation to medical facilities when necessary *BY APPOINTMENT ONLY

Services: Student Financial Aid, Veteran Benefits Assistance, Veteran Burial Benefits, Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits, Veteran/Military Health Insurance, Veteran Reintegration Counseling, Vocational Rehabilitation

445 W Palmer Mill Rd

Monticello, FL 32344

(850) 464-8456

FDVA, Lafayette County Veterans Service Office

*Florida Department of Veterans Affairs Lafayette county office *Assists Florida's veterans, their families and survivors to improve their health and economic well-being through advocacy regarding benefit information, long term care service, homestead and other tax exemptions, disability benefits, education and tuition breaks, lower license fees and ad valorem taxes during active duty, transportation to medical facilities when necessary *Assists veterans and dependents in applying for benefits provided by USVA and other federal agencies: pensions, survivor benefits, service-related medical problems; home loans and specially adapted housing; women veterans outreach *Assists surviving spouse of military retirees with burial, Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP), and insurance *Coordinates programs with Governor's Office, Florida Legislature, and Florida Congressional Delegation *Only open on Wednesday and hours vary, call ahead

Services: Student Financial Aid, Veteran Benefits Assistance, Veteran Burial Benefits, Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits, Veteran/Military Health Insurance, Veteran Reintegration Counseling, Vocational Rehabilitation

120 W Main St

Mayo, FL 32066

(386) 294-5010

FDVA, Madison County Veteran Services Office

*Florida Department of Veterans Affairs Madison county office *Assists veterans and dependents in applying for benefits provided by USVA and other federal agencies: pensions, survivor benefits, service-related medical problems; home loans and specially adapted housing; shelter and counseling for homeless vets; women veterans outreach *Assists in applying for Florida benefits: Homestead and other tax exemptions, disability benefits, education and tuition breaks, lower license fees and ad valorem taxes during active duty, transportation to medical facilities when necessary

Services: Veteran Benefits Assistance, Veteran Burial Benefits, Veteran Compensation and Pension Benefits, Veteran/Military Health Insurance, Veteran Reintegration Counseling, Vocational Rehabilitation

229 SW Pinckney St, Rm 215

Madison County Courthouse Annex

Madison, FL 32340

(850) 973-3208

Viewing 1-10 of 15 results (listed by best match)
